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Emblemes and Epigrames

Psal: Quum defecerit virtus mea, ne derelinquas me, Domine. [A.D. 1600, by Francis Thynne ... ]: Edited by F. J. Furnivall

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(67) The herbe filius ante Patrem.

A vertuous Ladie, skilfull herbaliste,
in Chimick art whoe takes noe meane delight,
whome modestie with good report hath bliste,
and wifelie dutie hath adorned righte,
of gentleman (that learned would bee deem'd,
as by his tria verba he had seem'de,)
Demanded ‘if the herbe most rare of sight,
and of all Artistes greatlie esteem'de,
which filius ante patrem they doe hight,
were to him knowne’: who said, with courage bould,
his deepe insight in herbes for to vnfould,
‘it is, madame, well knowne to everie wight,
to be sonne of Antipater, as learned men doe houlde.’