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My Lyrical Life

Poems Old and New. By Gerald Massey

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When the merry spring-tide
Floods all the land;
Nature hath a Mother's heart,
Gives with open hand;
Flowers running up the lane
Tell us May is near:
Christie will be coming then!
Christie will be here!


O the merry spring-tide!
We'll be glad in sun or rain,
In the merry, merry, merry days
When Christie comes again.
Pure is her meek nature,
Clear as morning dew,
We can see the Angel
Almost shining through.
To Earth's sweetest blessing
She the best from Heaven did bring;
Good Genius of our Love-lamp;
Fine Spirit of the Ring!
O the merry spring-tide!
We'll be glad in sun or rain,
In the merry, merry, merry days
When Christie comes again.
All our joys we'll tell her,
But for her dear sake,
Not a word of sorrow,
Lest her little heart should ache.
She shall dance and swing and sing,
Do as she likes best;
Only I must have her hand
In ramble or in rest.
O the merry spring-tide!
We'll be glad in sun or rain,
In the merry, merry, merry days
When Christie comes again.
We'll romp in jewelled meadows,
Hunt in dingles cool with leaves,
Where all night the Nightingale
Melodiously grieves.


In her cheek so tender
The shy and dainty rose
Shall colour, and come for kisses,
To every wind that blows.
O the merry spring-tide!
We'll be glad in sun or rain,
In the merry, merry, merry days
When Christie comes again.
Hope will lay so many eggs
In her little nest;
Doesn't your heart run over,
Christie, in your breast?
Thinking how we'll greet you
Safe once more at home,
Ours will run to meet you,
Often ere you come.
O the merry spring-tide!
We'll be glad in sun or rain,
In the merry, merry, merry days
When Christie comes again.
O the joy in our house,
Hearts dancing wild!
Christie will be coming soon,
She's our darling child.
Holy dew of heaven
In each eyelid starts,
Feeling all her dearness,
Darling of all hearts.
O the merry spring-tide!
We'll be glad in sun or rain,
In the merry, merry, merry days
When Christie comes again.


Dreary was our winter;
Come! and all the place
Shall breathe a summer sweetness,
And wear a happy face;
There will be a sun-smile
On stern, old Calaby,
Tender as the spring-gold
On our old Oak-Tree!
O the merry spring-tide!
We'll be glad in sun or rain,
In the merry, merry, merry days
When Christie comes again.
Jack, the Dog, will run before,
First to reach the Rail;
Jack, the Pony, whisk you home,
With long trotting tail!
We have had our struggles, dear,
But couldn't part with Jack;
We shall all be waiting there,
To welcome Christie back!
O the merry spring-tide!
We'll be glad in sun or rain,
In the merry, merry, merry days
When Christie comes again.
Then blow you Winds, and shake up
The sleeping flower-beds!
Make the Violets wake up,
The Daisies lift their heads;
The Lilacs float in fragrance,
Dim-purple, saintly-white!
And bring the bonny bairn to us,
The flower of our delight.


O the merry spring-tide!
We'll be glad in sun or rain,
In the merry, merry, merry days
When Christie comes again,