University of Virginia Library

Johnson & Co.

In close proximity to the University
of Virginia, at Nos. 1321-1325 West
Main Street is located Messrs. Johnson
& Company's popular fruit store
and excellent dining room. This is
where most of the students from the
University emigrate when they desire
to treat each other to something good to
eat or drink, be it in the way of a fine
substantial meal, a drink of the "soft"
kind that does not leave any hurtful
impression on the brains, a dish of ice
cream, a plate of oysters or anything
in this line. They also handle all
kinds of canned goods and crackers.
Ladies, too, seem to be especially attacted

to the store by the delicious
large, dark-green pickles exhibited
temptingly in bowls and jars, and
the hundreds of other good things. All
kinds of cigars and tobaccos are also
among the specialties handled. Every
article about the place is sweet clean and
inviting. Messrs. Johnson & Company
have been established at their present
place since September 1895. Their
trade is always increasing and so is
the number of friends of the courteous,
amiable proprietors. Theirs is the
only store of the kind in this part of
the city. Mr. Harry Cleveland the
head clerk has been connected with
the house for nine years and a bright
young fellow he is.