University of Virginia Library


Spoken by my Daughter Rose at some private theatricals on her Seventh Birthday.

Just seven Summers have gone by,
Since first a little bud was I:
Time works a change; so I suppose,
I'm now expanding to a Rose.


In sunny June I had my birth;
The morn that welcom'd me to earth
My parents fondly for my sake
A day of mirth and gladness make,
And twine me of mine own sweet flower
A garland for the festal hour.
Yet this, my friends, I'd have ye know,
Is not design'd for empty show,
But simply wreath'd, that I may wear
A rose for every passing year,
To mind me on my natal day
How quick the summers glide away,
And teach me, as in years I rise,
I ought to grow more good and wise.