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Gij seyd to Felice, ‘now lete þis be;
Now me þenke þou scornnest me.
Nis me nouȝt iuel anouȝ y-diȝt,
When þou wilt of me no-wiȝt?
Now a fole ich-il be
& mi witt chaunge for þe!’
‘Gij,’ seyd Felice, ‘now vnder-stond:
For now nil y noþing wond;
& þei y say þe al mi wille,
No hold it for non vn-skille:
No grome louen y no may
Fort he be kniȝt forsoþ to say,
Feir & beld to tellen by,
S[t]rong in armes & hardi;
& when þou hast armes vnder-fong,
& ichaue it vnder-stonde,
Þan schaltow haue þe loue of me,
Ȝif þow be swiche as y telle þe.’