University of Virginia Library

NOW haue ȝe, Kyngs, my Document,
Quhilk in ȝour herts, I pray ȝow, prent;
And, doyng this, ȝe be nocht feird
But doute for to possesse the eird:
Ȝour seid and ȝour Posteritie
Sall, efter ȝow, ryng happelie,
And sall, at last, but proces more,
Heir throw cum to the heuinnis glore.
ȜITT want ȝe, Kyngs, ȝour Officiaris
Ciuile And Gostlie Mynistaris.
Attend heirfor, quhow ȝe sulde chuse
Ȝuor Pastoris that suld precheing vse.