University of Virginia Library


The Treasurer.

1. Before entering on the duties of his office, the treasurer
shall execute an official bond with satisfactory sureties
in such penalty as the council may prescribe.

2. It shall be the duty of the treasurer to keep suitable
books in which all the receipts and disbursements shall be
regularly entered, in which the accounts of the collector and
others accountable to the town, and each fund shall be separately
stated. And all accounts of the town shall be kept correctly
and plainly, so that the state of such funds may at all
times be easily seen and understood. He shall receive all
taxes, rents and revenues of the town and other money or
payments which shall be tendered to him by the collector and
by any public officer of the town.

3. It shall be the duty of the treasurer to keep in his
book a separate statement showing the amount of revenue
arising from the sale of gas, coke and gas-tar, and also a separate
statement showing what disbursements are made on account
of gas-works.

4. Every three months he shall render to the committee
on Finance and Claims a fair statement showing his receipts
and disbursements for the preceding three months, the conditions
of the several funds of the town, all delinquencies and
all outstanding debts due to or from the town.


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5. Every three months he shall render to the committee
on Lights a fair statement showing his receipts and disbursements
on account of the gas-works for the preceding three

6. His books and accounts and all papers relating to accounts
and transactions of the town shall be at all times subject
to the inspection and control of the committee on Finance,
or such persons as the council may appoint to examine the
same; and upon the expiration of his term of office he shall
transfer the same, together with any balance of money on
hand, to his successor in office.

7. It shall be the duty of the treasurer to make out a
quarterly report of the receipts and expenditures of said town
for the preceding quarter, which report shall state on what
account the expenditures were made and from what source or
sources the receipts were derived, which report shall be published
in one or more newspapers of the town on or before the
15th day of October, January, April and July of each year.

8. All money belonging to the town paid over to the treasurer
shall be safely kept by him, and no money shall be by
him paid out except as the same shall have been appropriated
to be paid by the council; and the treasurer shall pay the
same upon the certificate of the mayor, or, in his absence, upon
the certificate of the president of the council.