University of Virginia Library


The county of Bedford was separated from Lunenburg in
1753. The parish of Russell was established in it at the same


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time. Both were enlarged in the year 1754 by the addition of a
part of Albemarle, then of large extent. The present county of
Campbell was included in the original bounds of the parish of
Russell and county of Bedford.

On our list of clergy for 1754 and 1758, we find no minister
from Bedford. In the years 1773-74-76, we find the Rev. John
Brandon. Doubtless there were ministers there during the twenty
years of which there are no records. Our Conventions under the
independent system, after the Revolution, commenced in 1785
and continued until 1805; but there is no representation, either
clerical or lay, during that period. The first representation from
that region was in the year 1823, when the Rev. Amos Tredway
appears as a delegate from Lynchburg, then in Campbell county.
But Mr. Tredway officiated also at New London, in Bedford, as
had also the Rev. Mr. Dashiel, who had the academy at New
London, though he was never in regular connection with the

In the year 1825 the Rev. Nicholas H. Cobbs appears as the
first regular representative from Russell parish. Its revival is to
be ascribed under God to his zealous, and for a long time almost
gratuitous, services, since his support was mainly derived from a
school. Under his ministry St. Stephen's and Trinity Churches
were built, and other positions, as Liberty, and Mr. Wharton's,
occupied, where churches are now to be seen. Mr. Cobbs continued
his indefatigable labours until the year 1835, when he
removed to the University of Virginia, and, after two years'
service as chaplain, returned to Bedford, and continued until 1839,
when he removed to Petersburg. Mr. Cobbs was succeeded, for a
short time, by the Rev. Mr. Doughen, after which the Rev. Mr.
Marbury took charge of the parish, and was succeeded by the
Rev. Mr. Cofer. The Rev. Mr. Kinsolving followed, and, after
some years, was succeeded by the Rev. R. H. Wilmer, the present

The Rev. Mr. Sale has been for many years occupying other
parts of the county of Bedford, as at St. Thomas's Church, built
under his auspices, at Liberty, at Trinity Church, when separated
from St. Stephen's, and at Pedlar's Church, in Amherst county.
While labouring on a farm and raising a large family, he has
performed the duties of minister for a very small pecuniary compensation.

A new church was built at Liberty, in this county, during
the ministry of the Rev. Mr. Caldwell, who spent some time at


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that place after the removal of Mr. Cobbs. After the removal of
Mr. Caldwell the Rev. Mr. Sale took charge of it, and still is its
canonical rector, although the duty of preaching is performed by
the Rev. John Wharton, who has for some years been acting as
sub-deacon. There are now no less than four parishes in that part
of old Russell parish which lay in Bedford county, as now reduced
in its dimensions. No parish register is found to supply a list of
the old vestrymen of this parish.[2]


I have been told of two other old churches in Bedford county, and as many
other ministers, and had a promise of their names, but something has prevented
its fulfilment.