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The poems of George Daniel

... From the original mss. in the British Museum: Hitherto unprinted. Edited, with introduction, notes, and illustrations, portrait, &c. By the Rev. Alexander B. Grosart: In four volumes

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Goe from me now, for many Daies; perchance
Ere I expect, my Qvill and I may meet
On safer Termes, with Honour to advance
Raptures of wonder, to the Royall Seat.
Goe from me far, till then; which if my Song
Erre not with Time, shall not be absent Long.
Deare Muses, wee must part; yet let me give
A verse to Time, in charge of my Desire.
Noe hand, if I am Dead, and these shall live,
Iniure a Line, or word, I you require.
Enioy with Freedome, all your owne conceit,
Let mine not be infring'd, but Equall Great:


For Poets sometimes Fancies bring,
When Readers nothing can discerne;
And they, perhaps, may find something
Shall sett him, in his owne, to learne.
And, happilie, a hidden Flame
Of Honour rests, which never came
Within the Reach of Either; yet more true
Then both, to Iudgement. Neither I nor You
Must Iudge our owne.
The Ende.
A Postscript.

These Poems are the onlie remaining Testimonie of some howers which the Author gave vp to the muses; many others from the same Pen, of more consideration, are lost. Hee invites noe man to the expence of his monie or Time, vpon these Fragments; which were intended not to the publike Eye, but his owne retired Fancies, to make Light that burthen which some grone vnder; and had not the request of an endeared Freind prevailed, they had not Exceeded his intention; nor the world (perhaps) in anie Sence pittyed Him. Iuly 17, 1647.