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See Gregory of Tours, book ii.


Ibid., book v, 28.


Ibid., book viii, 36.


"Life of St. Aridius."


Book vii.


"Establishment of the French Monarchy," tome iii, chap. 14, p. 515. See Baluzius, ii, p. 187.


Book iii, chap. 36.


Tome iii, p. 514.


Book x, tit. 1, cap. xiv.


The Vandals paid none in Africa. — Procopius, "War of the Vandals," lib. i and ii. "Historia Miscella," lib. xvi, p. 106. Observe that the conquerors of Africa were a mixture of Vandals, Alans, and Franks. "Historia Miscella," lib. xiv, p. 94.


"Establishment of the Franks in Gaul," tome iii, chap. 14, p. 510.


He lays a stress upon another law of the Visigoths, book x, tit. 1, art. 11, which proves nothing at all; it says only that he who has received of a lord a piece of land on condition of a rent or service ought to pay it.


Book iii, p. 511.


Leg. 3, xi, tit. 74.


"Establishment of the French Monarchy," tome iii, chap. 14, p. 513, where he quotes the 28th article of the edict of Pistes. See farther on.


Ibid. tome iii, chap. 4, p. 298.