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The Downing legends : Stories in Rhyme

The witch of Shiloh, the last of the Wampanoags, the gentle earl, the enchanted voyage

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Through woodland wide the lover hied
As merrily as man may ride,
And reached in middle afternoon
The spot where Downing rivalled Boone;
But only found a bloody brave,
A squaw who delved a warrior's grave,
An infant giggling 'neath the copse
And broken bonds and shattered hopes.
Then, grieving o'er his fruitless quest,
He scouted leafy vale and crest
Till evening poured her dusky files
Through silent glades and rustling aisles,
And filled the wold with cheating shades,
The paths with seeming ambuscades.


At last he knew his errand vain,
And, turning rein, he sought amain
His captive maid and footmen train.
But where were they, and where was he?
He reached the spot where they should be;
He reached it many times that night;
Then sought anew till morning light,
A sore bewildered, woful wight;
For every now and then there came
Athwart the gloom a spit of flame,
And then he heard a hissing ball,
A dying groan, a heavy fall;
And so his troopers one by one
Fell out until he rode alone.
Ah! horrible it was to hear
Death treading on his steps so near,
Nor ever win the piteous grace
To front the monster's savage face,
And fall as gallant men desire
With bloody sabre glinting fire.
Ah! horrible to feel at last
The cruel bullet driven fast
Through palpitating flesh and thought,
And conscious life return to naught.