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[The Courte of Vertu

contaynynge many holy songes, Sonettes, psalmes and ballettes] [by John Hall]

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An exhortacion for vertuous men to perciste in vertue and to prayse Christ the authour of vertue, to whom be all honour and glory. Amē.


An exhortacion for vertuous men to perciste in vertue and to prayse Christ the authour of vertue, to whom be all honour and glory. Amē.


Al vertuous men that vertue loue
in vertue still reioyce,
and for those gifts praise Christ our lorde
with one hart minde and voyce
with one hart minde and voyce.

Contra tenor.

All vertuous men that vertue loue


in vertue still reioyce,
and for those gifts praise Christ our lord
praise Christ our lorde
with one hart mind and voyce,
with one hart mind & voice.


All vertuous men that vertu loue
in vertu still reioyce,
and for those giftes praise Christ our lord
with one hart mind & voyce


with one hart mind and voice.


All vertuous men that vertue loue
in vertue still reioyce
and for those giftes praise Christ our lord
praise Christ our lorde
with one hart minde & voyce
with one hart mind and voyce.
For if as truthe is one good thought
Can not in vs once growe,
Without his grace that alwayes doth
his mercies to vs shewe.


How can there any vertuous deed
At any time appere
In vs that are but vayne and nought
Saue for his mercies dere.
Wherfore let none of vertue boste
As of his owne pure wayes,
But mekly thanke Christ for his giftes,
And geue him condigne prayse.
Praise him therfore that first all made
And formed man of slime
And doth his worke most intricate
Preserue from time to time.
Whiche also when as sinfull man
By fault fell into thrall,
Ordeined Christ our sauing helth
By death to heale vs all.
Immortall thankes eternall prayse
Euer now let vs giue
Unto this lord of whom we are
And of whose grace we liue.
Glory and prayse for euer more.
Therfore be to his name,
That vertue made for men to knowe
And to walke in the same.