University of Virginia Library


The moon shines o'er the Tagus. Now a flood
Of soft-spun sparkling radiance clothes the scene
With dazzling splendour, save where shadows lie
Upon the river's bosom, sheltering there
The coward Darkness, here dethroned awhile,
By the moon's great though seeming gentle might.
Ah me, how beautiful! Deep azure sky,
Deep azure sea, and steadfast-beaming stars,—
A dreamy blissful languor stealeth fast
Over my soul while musing pensively
On this fair vista steeped in rapt repose,
And I forget the busy throng of life
That it presents by day,—and almost now
I could imagine it some magic realm
Enchanted in far fairyland, beyond
The power of mortal reach.
But soon a voice
Says, “Supper's come at last, let's eat, and then to bed.”