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II. Psychology

Psychology B1: General Psychology: A survey of the principles of
psychology, either as part of a liberal education or as preparation for professional
study. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.)

Professor Ferguson, Associate Professor Geldard and Assistant Professor

Psychology B2: Experimental Psychology: Psychology B1 prerequisite or
to be taken concurrently.
—The lectures and laboratory work will enable the student
to familiarize himself with the apparatus and methods used in psychological
experiments. The schedule will consist of one hour of lecture and four hours of
laboratory weekly. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.)

Associate Professor Geldard.

Psychology B3: Abnormal Psychology: Psychology B1 prerequisite.—A
study of mental and nervous disorders, including a consideration of psychoanalytic
as well as more conventional interpretations, and of the social aspects


Page 228
of abnormal behavior. The classroom work will be supplemented by clinical
demonstrations. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.)

Associate Professor Geldard.

Psychology B4: Social Psychology: Psychology B1 prerequisite.—A
study of the psychological traits of the individual in their interaction with the
social environment. The course includes a treatment of racial and cultural differences,
personality measurement and psychology of language, belief, prejudice,
etc. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.)

Assistant Professor Dennis.

Psychology B5: Educational Psychology: Psychology B1 prerequisite.
Mental ability and its development. The classroom work will be supplemented by
practice in mental measurement and experiments in learning. (B.A. or B.S.
credit, 3 session-hours.)

Professor Ferguson.

Psychology C1: Advanced Experimental Psychology: Psychology B2
—A course in experimental methods designed primarily for advanced
students. The entire resources of the laboratory will be available.
One hour of lecture and four hours of laboratory weekly.

Associate Professor Geldard.

Psychology C2: Mental Measurement: Psychology B1 and any other B
course listed in this School prerequisite.
—A study of the more important mental
tests and intelligence scales, of the statistical methods involved in their use,
and of the results obtained.

Professor Ferguson.

Psychology C3: Genetic Psychology: Psychology B1 and any other B
course listed in this School prerequisite.
—The development of psychological functions
in the animal species and in the child will be traced as a genetic approach
to adult human psychology. The topics to be considered include the
senses, instinct, memory, learning and intelligence. During part of the year
laboratory work will be included.

Assistant Professor Dennis.

Psychology C4: Theoretical Psychology: Psychology B1 and any other
B course listed in this School prerequisite.
—An examination of the more important
positions in psychological theory, with special reference to the structural, functional,
behavioristic and Gestalt points of view. To be given in alternate years
with Psychology C5.

Associate Professor Geldard.

Psychology C5: Systematic Psychology: Psychology B1 and any other B
course listed in this School prerequisite.
—A survey of the psychological literature
pertaining to the special senses, feeling and emotion, and action. The course is
designed to provide an understanding of fundamental methods of research as well
as a knowledge of the status of basic problems. To be given in alternate years
with Psychology C4.
(Not offered in 1934-35.)

Associate Professor Geldard.


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Psychology C6: Special Topics in Genetic Psychology: Psychology B1
and any other B course listed in this School prerequisite.
—A seminar course for
advanced students in which the literature of special topics in child and animal
psychology will be reviewed. Second and third terms only. To be given in alternate
years with Psychology C7.

Assistant Professor Dennis.

Psychology C7: History of Psychology: Psychology B1 and any other B
course listed in this School prerequisite.
—A survey of the historical development
of modern psychology. Second and third terms only. To be given in alternate
years with Psychology C6.
(Not offered in 1934-35.)

Assistant Professor Dennis.

Psychology C8: Statistical Method: Psychology B1 and any other B
course listed in this School prerequisite.
—An introduction to the statistical methods
in current use in psychology and allied fields. First term only.

Assistant Professor Dennis.

Psychology D1: Research: Admission on approval of the professors in
—For candidates for graduate degrees.

Professor Ferguson, Associate Professor Geldard and Assistant Professor

The Psychological Laboratory is provided with sufficient equipment to
make possible thorough training in experimental psychology. Special apparatus
for research has been acquired and new pieces will be added as the
need arises. In addition to the general laboratory there has been instituted
an animal laboratory with provision for work in comparative psychology. A
shop with facilities for the construction of apparatus, two dark rooms, and
individual research rooms are available.