University of Virginia Library



In vain I breathed the tender sigh
At lovely Mary's feet;
My soul, which glisten'd in my eye,
No kindred ray could meet.
With cold indifference she replied—
“My heart you do not move;
“And I will never be a bride
“Till I have learn'd to love.”
“O then, (I cried) my pupil be,
“Thy breast no longer steel;
“Sure, I can teach, sweet girl, to thee,
“The lesson which I feel!”
“No, Selim—you have tried it long,
“And yet I don't improve;
“I'm dull—or you instruct me wrong—
“I have not learn'd to love.”
I left her hopeless—but at eve
We met, when she exclaim'd—
“Now, Selim—now my heart receive,
“With love for you inflamed!”
Surprised, delighted, soon I guess'd
What thus the fair could move—
My hair had been by Huggins dress'd,
She saw—and learn'd to love.