University of Virginia Library


WILLIAM E. PETERS, LL. D., Professor of Latin.

JOHN H. WHEELER, M. A., Ph. D., Professor of Greek.

M. SCHELE DE VERE, Ph. D., J. U. D., Professor of Modern Languages.

JAMES M. GARNETT, M. A., LL. D., Professor of English.

GEORGE FREDERICK HOLMES, LL. D., Professor of Historical Science.

NOAH K. DAVIS, M. A., Ph. D., LL. D., Professor of Moral Philosophy.

WM. H. PERKINSON, Instructor in Modern Languages.

JOHN STAIGE DAVIS, Instructor in Latin and Greek.


Prof. Peters.

The School of Latin is divided into two classes, Junior and Senior.

The Junior Class.—A student who is able to read Cæsar or Virgil,
and has a proper acquaintance with the Forms, is prepared to enter this
class. The class begins with Sallust, or a writer of like difficulty. Systematic
attention is given to the study of the Forms. The Syntactical
work is the study of the Case-relations, the exact force of the Tenses, and
a consecutive outline of the connections in which the Subjunctive Mood
is required. Principles and facts explained are applied by frequent exercises
in Latin Composition. The reading is confined to selected portions
of Sallust, Cicero, Livy and Horace. A limited amount from each
author is prescribed for private reading. For the examinations, passages
are selected for translation from the Latin assigned as private reading.
There are two examinations—the Intermediate, held about the middle of
the session, the Final, at its close. The examinations are conducted in

The Senior Class.—This class commences with Juvenal or Livy, and
reads during the session selected portions of Juvenal, Livy, Cicero, Seneca,
Tacitus or a play of Plautus. The Case-relations are reviewed, and the


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Syntax of the Verb is systematically presented. Latin Versification is
taken up early in the session, and continued throughout the term. A
theoretical acquaintance with this subject is insufficient. Prompt identification
and correct recitation of every variety of Latin verse is insisted
upon. A very prominent place is assigned to Latin Composition, as an
indispensable means of acquiring an exact knowledge of the Language.
Portions of the authors read in the Lecture-room are designated as parallel
and private reading. The object of parallel reading is to enable a student
to acquire a more copious vocabulary than is furnished by the limited
amount of Latin read in the Lecture-room, and to afford a wider field for
the application of the principles explained in the Lectures. In this class
there are two examinations—one occurring about the middle of the session,
the second at its close. The examinations are conducted in writing.
For the second or Final examination, passages for translation are selected
partly from the parallel and partly from Latin which the class has not
read. In this class due attention is given to Roman History and Literature.

Text-Books.—Any approved editions of the authors above named.

Grammars:—Gildersleeve's, Syntax of the Verb by the Professor, Printed Lectures
by the Professor on the Latin Cases and Versification.

History:—Liddell's, with Long's or any approved Atlas.

Literature:—Bender's, as a Hand-book and Guide, supplemented by Lectures.

Sanskrit.—The Professor will also give instruction in the elements of
Sanskrit whenever a sufficient number of students desire it.


Prof. Wheeler.

The School is organized in three classes, the Junior, the Intermediate,
and the Senior. The method of instruction is by lectures, by
daily examination upon the matter of the lectures and upon assigned
portions of the text-books, and by written and oral exercises.

A full knowledge of the regular Attic inflections and some experience
in translation are necessary as a preparation for the Junior Class. Two
books of Xenophon's Anabasis, or some suitable equivalent, may be regarded
as a proper amount of preparatory reading. Students inadequately
prepared may often, if ambitious and diligent, make good progress
with the aid of a Licentiate. (See p. 70.)


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The Junior Class is intended to give a practical familiarity with the
simpler Attic prose. The grammar is rapidly but carefully reviewed; for
translation into Greek, sentences are given out which involve the vocabulary
and the idioms of the Greek texts studied. The authors read are
Xenophon (parts of the Memorabilia and of the Cyropedia), and Lysias.
The Geography and Political History of Greece are also taught in this

The Intermediate Class, for which the Junior course, or some
equivalent, is the appropriate preparation, continues the study of Attic
prose usage, and gives an introduction to authors of great literary importance
who wrote in other dialects. The exercises for translation into
Greek, to which great attention is given, are based upon assigned passages
from Lysias, whose usage students are urged to observe and imitate.
Selected portions of the grammar are closely studied, especially the use
of Cases, of Prepositions, of the Negatives, and the Formation of Words.
The authors read are Lysias, Herodotus, and Homer. Instruction in
Greek Antiquities is also given in this class.

The Senior Class demands such attainments as may be acquired in
the two lower classes, or an equivalent. The main purpose of the instruction
is to introduce students, so far as practicable, to the masterpieces
of the literature of Athens. The authors read this session are
Demosthenes, Plato, Sophocles, Euripides, Aristophanes, and the fragments
of the Lyric Poets. The Syntax of the Greek Verb is discussed,
and courses of lectures are given upon the History of Greek Literature,
Metres, and Historical Grammar.

Text-books.—Liddell and Scott's Greek Lexicon, Veitch's Greek Verbs, Hadley's
Greek Grammar, Goodwin's Greek Moods and Tenses, Smith's History of Greece,
Fyffe's Primer of Greek History, Tozer's Primer of Ancient Geography, Mahaffy's
Primer of Greek Antiquities, and the Teubner (or Weidmann) text editions of the
authors read.

For each class a course of private reading is prescribed, and weekly
exercises in Greek composition are given out.

The state of preparation of a student joining the school may often
make it expedient to take two classes at once.

In the examination of candidates for graduation, all the subjects
taught in the School are involved, and the passages set for translation
are selected from the classic writers at will.

Hebrew.—The Professor will give elementary instruction in Hebrew,
when the demand for such instruction is sufficient.


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Prof. Schele De Vere.

The subjects taught in this School are as follows:

1. The French, German, Spanish and Italian languages. A number
of classic and of modern authors are read in the class, to practice the pronunciation,
to acquire facility in prompt rendering of the foreign idiom, and
to appreciate the literary beauties of eminent writers. A much larger number
of works, mainly by modern authors, are expected to be read privately,
in order to acquire that familiarity with foreign writers which enables the
student to judge of the difference in style and diction in individuals, and in
various periods of literature.

At every meeting of the class, moreover, a lecture is delivered, and to a
large extent illustrated by examples and quotations, written on the blackboard,
so that the eye and the ear may mutually assist each other. In these
lectures the Grammar and the Syntax of each idiom is discussed in a manner
varying according to the state of preparation of each class. The treatment
is mainly historical: the words, the sentences and the general structure
being exhibited as they gradually developed themselves from the
earliest efforts made by the infant nation to the highest results obtained in
its so-called Golden Age.

These lectures are again accompanied by weekly exercises, translations
from the vernacular into foreign idioms. They furnish the Professor with
evidence of the success or want of success with which he has tried to explain
the rules and the usages of each language. After having been carefully
marked, they are returned to the student, and then written, in correct form,
on the blackboard. The Professor, as he writes there, accompanies them
with a running commentary on the various rules that have been violated
or misunderstood.

At stated intervals the Professor reads aloud, so as to train the ear; at
others, he dictates extracts from foreign writers for the same purpose.

After the classes have become somewhat familiar with the language they
are given a series of lectures treating of the History of the Idiom. Its
forms, its structure and its spiritual characteristics are carefully traced
through the different periods of their history, and minutely compared with
each other. This gives an opportunity for instruction in the fundamental
rules of the Science of Language, to which much attention is given. These
lectures are followed by another course on the Literature of each Idiom.
The different periods of the literature are explained and illustrated by


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sketches of the lives and criticisms on the works of the principal writers of
each age. The parallelism between the national growth of a people and
its literary proficiency is carefully pointed out.

After each lecture the Professor remains some time in the lecture-room
to meet informally such students as desire additional information.

Diplomas of graduation are conferred in each of the four languages
named above; and upon the student who succeeds in any two of them,
sclected according to his own choice, a diploma of graduation in the
School of Modern Languages is conferred; but graduation in French and
German is required for the M. A. degree.

2. The study of Anglo-Saxon is mainly pursued in its aspect as the
mother of English, furnishing the student the means of tracing the history
of his native tongue from its earliest beginning. Much attention is given
to the illustration of the history of words, their first birth, their fate under
the yoke of the Norman, and their subsequent modifications. Whilst
the student is furnished with a key to the rich and historically invaluable
literature of our forefathers, he is at the same time given an opportunity
to learn the inner nature, the inherent power and the right to supremacy
awarded to his native tongue. Extracts from Anglo-Saxon writers are
read, and the bearing of their works on the history of our race is fully explained.

Certificates of Proficiency in Anglo-Saxon are conferred.

The following text-books are used in the several languages:


Junior Class.—The Professor's Grammar and First Reader, Télémaque, Saintine's
Picciola, Masson's Dictionary.

Senior Class.—The Professor's Grammar, Brachet's Grammar, Molière, Racine,
Voltaire, Taine's L'Angleterre, Masson's, Gasc's or Littré's Dictionary. A course of
private reading is prescribed. Prof. J. A. Harrison's French Syntax is recommended.


Junior Class.—Otto's Grammar, Whitney's Reader, Schiller's William Tell, Whitney's

Senior Class.—Whitney's and Wilmans' or Frauer's (German) Grammar, Whitney's
Dictionary, Schiller's Works, Gœthe's Autobiography and Faust, Jean Paul's
Flegeljahre. A course of private reading is prescribed.


The Professor's Grammar, Seoane's Dictionary, Velasquez' Reader, Colmena Española,
Don Quijote, Calderon's El Principe Constante, Lope's Estrella de Sevilla,


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Ticknor's History of Spanish Literature. In default of the Professor's Grammar, now
out of print, Knapp's Spanish Grammar will be used.


Cuore's Grammar, Foresti's Reader, Manzoni's I Promessi Sposi, Tasso's Gerusalemme
Liberata, Pellico's Le Mie Prigioni, Petrarca, Dante's La Divina Commedia.


Shute's Manual of Anglo-Saxon, or Sweet's Primer, The Professor's Studies in English,
March's Anglo-Saxon Grammar, the Anglo-Saxon Gospels.


Prof. Garnett.

Instruction in this School is given in three classes:

I. The Class of Early English.—In this class the historical and
philological study of the language is pursued, the class beginning with its
oldest forms, and tracing the language, by the study of specimens, through
its different periods to the formation of modern English. After a thorough
study of the grammar, selected pieces of Old and Middle English prose
and poetry are read, both in class and privately, with a view to acquiring
a philological knowledge of the origin and structure of English. Lectures
on the position of English in the Indo-European family of languages, and
on the history of the language, are also given.

Text-books.—Sweet's Anglo-Saxon Reader; Morris and Skeat's Specimens of Early
English, Parts I. and II. For reference.—Cook's Sievers's Grammar of Old English;
Kington-Oliphant's Old and Middle English.

II. The Class of Modern English.—In this class the study of the
later language, i. e., from Chaucer, is pursued, and Shakspere is made a
special subject of study. The critical study of a play of Shakspere, with
private reading of about half of the plays, is followed by similar study of
selected works of Chaucer and of Spenser. Lectures on the history of the
Elizabethan drama and on the history of the later language, are given.

Text-books.—For 1887-'88, Othello (Rolfe's edition); Dowden's Shakspere
Primer; Abbott's Shaksperian Grammar; Chaucer's Prologue and Knight's Tale
(Morris's edition); Spenser's Faery Queene, Book I. or II. (Kitchin's edition.)
For reference.—The Globe Shakspere and Fleay's Shakspere Manual; Keltie's British
Dramatists; Sweet's Chaucer Primer; Kington-Oliphant's New English.

III. The Class of Rhetoric and English Literature.—In this
class the principles of Composition and Rhetoric are first studied, and


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then the study of the history of English Literature is taken up. Along
with study of the text-books, selected works of authors are assigned for
private reading. Essays are required at regular intervals. Lectures on
each subject are given in connection with the text-books.

Text-books.—A. S. Hill's Principles of Rhetoric; Morley and Tyler's Manual of
English Literature; Ward's English Poets. For reference.—Minto's Manual of
English Prose Literature; Saintsbury's Specimens of English Prose Style.

Each class meets twice a week, and may be attended separately; but
graduation in I. and III., or II. and III., will be necessary for a diploma
in the School.

N. B. Books marked "For reference" are used at the option of the


Prof. Holmes.

In this School are two classes—one of General History, the other of
the Processes of Historical Change. Either class may be taken separately,
or either branch of the latter class.

I. General History.—In this class the story of advancing civilization
is followed through the succession of the leading nations, from the commencement
of authentic and continuous history to the Age of Revolution
still in progress. An effort is made to impress the vital connection of
nation with nation, of generation with generation, and of anterior with
ensuing conditions of historical development. The rise, the decline and
the fall of States are referred to their causes. The political, intellectual
and social condition of the people in the more prominent periods is carefully
expounded; and the sources of their power and prosperity, or of
their weakness and impoverishment are noted, so far as the necessary
limitation of the subject will permit. The object contemplated is to
present the human family in History as an organic unity, all of whose
parts, at all times, and through all successions, are thoroughly interdependent.

Text-books.—Smith's History of Greece; Merivale's History of Rome (abridged
by Puller); Gibbon, History of the Decline and Fall of Rome (abridged by Smith);
Lodge, Modern History; Labberton's New History and Historical Atlas.

II. The other class embraces Political Economy and the Science of
Society, Political Economy being considered as a subordinate branch of
social investigation.


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1. Political Economy.—In the treatment of this department of knowledge,
there is no rigid adherence to the school of Smith, Ricardo, and
Mill. The modification of older doctrines necessitated by the increase of
productive inventions and productive operations is steadily regarded. Attention
is paid to the inquiries and criticisms of Thornton, Cairnes, Jevons,
etc.; and the altered views propounded by Laveleye, Walker, and the
school of the Cathedrists are duly considered.

Text-Book.—Mill's Political Economy (abridged by McLaughlin).

2. Science of Society.—The latter half of the course in this class is
devoted to the Science of Society.

In this is prosecuted the investigation of the laws and movements, the
growth, decay and constitution of Societies, in the different phases and
stages of social development. The necessary organic functions of society
are studied in their several forms. They are also regarded in their reciprocal
relations and in their conjoint action in successive forms of civilization.
All systems are interpreted: no ideal constitution is contemplated.
The course is descriptive of the processes by which experienced results
have been obtained: not speculative in advocacy of theoretic dreams.

The Class is dependent on notes on the Lectures, as no text-book exists.


Prof. Davis.

There are two classes, best taken in two successive sessions:

I. The class in Logic studies Deductive Logic, Inductive Logic, and
Applied Logic. Two lectures a week.

Text-books.—The Professor's Logic, Mill on Induction, Whately's Rhetoric, Jevons's
Principles of Science.

II. The class in Philosophy studies Psychology, Ethics, and History
of Philosophy. Three lectures a week.

Text-books.—The Professor's Psychology, Hamilton's Metaphysics, Cousin's "Du
Vrai, du Beau, et du Bien," Lotze's "Grundsätze der Praktischen Philosophie,"
Kant's Theory of Ethics, Ueberweg's History of Philosophy.


School of Latin.—This work is intended for students who desire
to pursue their Latin studies beyond the requirements for graduation.


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The value of the course to a student who proposes to teach, or who desires
to equip himself for original investigation in the language, cannot
well be overstated. The scope of the work is such as to familiarize him with
the language in its several periods. An extensive course of reading is
prescribed, and subjects for independent investigation are from time to
time assigned. The Lecture-room exercises consist in translation and
the discussion by the student of the passage translated. He is invited to
propound such questions to the Professor, or to a member of the class, as
he would to a pupil. In addition, a careful translation from some one of
the best Latin prose writers is prepared, and the student is required at
once to write on the blackboard his Latin rendering of it, and to give his
reasons as well for the forms of the periods as for the syntactical constructions
employed. Though it requires at least two years to complete this
course, yet one year given to it abundantly repays the student, as the
greater part of the first year of the course is devoted to the Archaic period
of the language, which cannot be considered to any great extent in the course
for graduation.

School of Greek.—This course is designed primarily for those who intend
to become teachers of the classical languages, and who desire a thorough
introduction to Greek philology as a part of their professional equipment.
With such students the professor will read and discuss the more difficult
Greek authors. Courses of private reading are marked out, including
important text-books and monographs; and by systematic lectures, as
well as by constant supervision and advice, the Professor will aid and direct
the student's endeavors. As an exercise in the independent investigation
of philological problems, each student is from time to time expected
to prepare a paper, discussing thoroughly some topic selected by
himself. Constant practice is given in Greek composition.

School of Modern Languages.—Graduates in this school who wish
to extend the study of any one of the idioms there taught (including
Anglo Saxon) beyond the limits of the under-graduate course, and candidates
for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, are expected to do the following
work: They will read additional foreign authors, pursue the study
of Comparative Philology, till mastery is secured, and write monthly essays
on kindred subjects, which must give proof of original research. A
thorough knowledge of at least one ancient language, and graduation in
two modern languages, are deemed prerequisite. Candidates for honors
will, however, have the choice between the two methods of comparing
idioms—either by tracing out the kinship existing between several languages,


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or families of languages, such as the Romance, the Germanic or
the Slavic, in their lexical, grammatical or psychological nature; or by
comparing with each other the different aspects borne by one and the
same idiom in its successive periods of life. The writings of Diez, Hovelacque,
Sayce, Max Müller, and others, are carefully studied; and the
final result of the whole course of study is to be shown in a concluding
dissertation specially written for the degree, and evidencing original

School of English.—In this School two separate graduate courses
will be arranged to suit the needs of those students who desire to pursue
further either philological or literary studies. The former will comprise
the further study of Anglo-Saxon and Middle English works, especially
of Anglo-Saxon poetry, or the study of Gothic and the comparative grammar
of the Teutonic languages. The latter will comprise the study of some
distinctive period in English literature, or of some particular writer, or
writers, including the political, social, and literary characteristics of the
age under consideration. In each course a thesis will be required, giving
evidence of independent private study of some subject cognate with the
course pursued, in addition to such examinations as may be advisable.
The selection of the course and subject is left to the student himself,
under guidance of the Professor.

School of Historical Science.—The graduate course in this School
for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy will be varied from year to year,
but will always be designed to train the student in original research and
systematic exposition of the results. Some historical period, with the
accompanying social, political and intellectual development of the people,
will be made the subject of study. Such instructions and directions
as may be required to render these pursuits efficacious will be given
throughout the session.

School of Moral Philosophy.—The history of philosophy, ancient
and modern, with a special study of Aristotle and Kant.

N. B. Graduation in a School is prerequisite to admission to the advanced
Graduate Course of that School.