University of Virginia Library

Michie Grocery Company.

The Michie Grocery Company is
beyond doubt the most prominent
wholesale grocery and produce firm in
this section of Virginia, and enjoys a
trade of great magnitude and one
which is constantly increasing. This
flourishing enterprise occupies a spacious
and handsome brick structure containing
several thousand square feet of
floor space, every available inch of

which is needed for the vast assortment
of goods. The stock comprises
everything in the way of staple and
fancy groceries, fruits, produces, cigars
and tobaccos, and an assortment of
the best proprietary medicines. Only
the highest grades of goods are carried,
and the enormous custom extends over
the State and beyond. Three salesmen
are employed on the road constantly,
and their orders show a gratifying
increase each year. This large
establishment grew from a most humble
beginning, and is the result solely
of the untiring energy and indefatigable
work of the founder, Mr. James P.
Michie. In 1896 he started a small
store at Fifth and Market streets, in
which he carried a moderate line of
country produce. By his fair and
courteous treatment of patrons and the
extra quality of his goods he soon built
up a large patronage. In 1902 the
Michie Grocery Company was incorporated
with the following officers:
J. P. Michie, president, F. W. Twyman,
secretary and treasurer. The
Board of Directors are Messers. J. P.
Michie, F. W. Twyman, T. S. Keller,
G. B. Sinclair, and T. P. Peyton. A
large force of men are employed in the
warerooms and office. The firm have
splendid shipping facilities, being on
the C. and O. tracks. All orders, small
or large, receive prompt attention, and
are shipped to destination without delay.
Mr. Michie, president and founder
of the company, was born in Albemarle
County and has lived in Charlottesville
for fifteen years. He is prominent
in fraternal affairs being a member

Waddell's Up-to-date Shoe Store.

of the Elks and Odd Fellows, and
of the higher branches of the latter
organization, the Encampment and
Rebekas. He is also past grand in
this body. Mr. Twyman is a native of
Madison County, and has lived here
some years. He is president of the
Albemarle Telephone Company and
connected with several other enterprises.