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Page 178


Edwin Anderson Alderman, Ph.B., D.C.L., LL.D.  President 
John Calvin Metcalf, M.A., Litt.D., LL.D.  Dean 


Admission to the Department.—For admission to the Department of
Graduate Studies a baccalaureate degree from a recognized institution of collegiate
rank is required, for men and women alike. In order to become a candidate
for a degree, the student must be advanced to candidacy by the Committee
on Rules and Courses upon formal application, as set forth below.

Advancement to Candidacy for a Degree.—Any graduate student who
wishes to become a candidate for a degree must file with the Dean of the Deparment
his application on a blank form to be secured from the Registrar.
This application must include a proposed program of work arranged in accordance
with the requirements for the several degrees as stated below, and must be
accompanied, in case the applicant does not hold an academic degree from this
University, by an official transcript of the applicant's academic record made
out by the Registrar of the institution from which the baccalaureate degree was
received, and by a catalogue of that institution, marked to show the courses of
study pursued. The application will be submitted by the Dean to the Committee
on Rules and Courses, who will consider it in conference with the professors
concerned. The Committee will have the right to require that the applicant
add to his program any courses, undergraduate or graduate, considered necessary
to supply his deficiencies, or to enable him to pursue with profit the courses
he has selected. When the program has been finally approved, the Dean will
report to the applicant his advancement to candidacy for a degree.

It should be distinctly understood that graduate degrees are not conferred
merely upon the basis of the number of courses passed, or of the length of
time spent in resident or non-resident work, but upon the basis of the quality
and scope of the candidate's knowledge, and his power of investigation in his
chosen field of study. Candidates whose training and attainments are inferior
cannot expect to secure a degree in the normal length of time estimated below
for the respective degrees.


Master of Arts.—The degree of Master of Arts will be conferred upon the
holder of a degree of Bachelor of Arts who has fulfilled the following requirements.

(1) The successful completion, in not less than one full year of resident
graduate work, of the program of studies approved for the candidate by the
Committee on Rules and Courses, as embodied in his formal application for


Page 179
advancement to candidacy. This application must be submitted not later than
one week after registration, in the year in which it is expected that the degree
will be conferred. The program must form a consistent plan of work, to be
pursued with some definite aim, and grouped around some one subject to be
known as the candidate's Major Subject, the name of which will be incorporated
in the body of each diploma conferring the degree. The program should be
arranged in consultation with the professors concerned, and must be approved
in writing by a professor of the candidate's Major Subject, who shall be designated
by the Dean of the Department of Graduate Studies, after consultation with the

(2) The preparation and submission of a thesis, to be accepted as satisfactory
by the professor of the candidate's Major Subject. Two copies of the thesis,
typewritten on paper of prescribed quality and size, and substantially bound,
must be deposited in the office of the Dean of the Department of Graduate Studies
not later than May 15 of the year in which it is expected that the degree will
be conferred. The back of the cover must bear the title of the thesis and the
writer's name, and the title page must bear the words: A thesis presented to the
Academic Faculty of the University of Virginia in candidacy for the degree
of Master of Arts.

Master of Science.—The degree of Master of Science will be conferred
upon the holder of a degree of Bachelor of Science who fulfills requirements
corresponding to those stated above for the degree of Master of Arts.

Doctor of Philosophy.—The degree of Doctor of Philosophy will be conferred
upon the holder of a baccalaureate degree who has fulfilled the following

(1) The successful completion, in not less than three full years of graduate
work, of the program of studies approved for the candidate by the Committee
on Rules and Courses, as embodied in the student's formal application for advancement
to candidacy. This application must be submitted not later than
October 1 of the session preceding the final year of candidacy for the degree.
The program of studies must include a Major Subject, pursued for at least three
years, and may include one, or two, Minor Subjects, pursued for at least one
year. The Minor Subject, or Subjects, if any, must be closely related to the
Major Subject, and the program as a whole must contribute to the mastery of
some definite field of knowledge as an object of study and research. The name
of the Major Subject will be incorporated in the body of the diploma conferring
the degree. At least one full year of graduate study, which must be the last
year of the student's candidacy, must be spent in residence; but by special permission
of the Committee on Rules and Courses the student may be allowed to
complete his dissertation in absentia.

Upon advancement to candidacy the Dean will appoint a special committee
of not less than three Professors, under the Chairmanship of the Professor of
the candidate's Major Subject, and including a representative of the Committee


Page 180
on Rules and Courses. This committee will conduct the candidate's final
examinations, and pass upon his dissertation.

(2) A reading knowledge of French and German sufficient to enable the
student to use these languages for purposes of research. This knowledge shall
be attested by passing examinations in French and German, set by the professors
of these languages, in consultation with the Professor of the Major Subject,
not later than Oct. 1 of the session preceding the final year of candidacy for the
degree. Upon recommendation of the professor of the Major Subject, and at the
discretion of the Committee on Rules and Courses, some other language may
be substituted for either French or German.

(3) A final examination, written, oral, or both, in addition to all examinations
in course, upon such phases of the Major Subject and of allied subjects, as the
special committee shall prescribe. No candidate can be admitted to the final
examination until his dissertation has been accepted. Preliminary examinations
may in addition be required by individual schools, as stated under the announcements
of these Schools.

(4) A Dissertation exhibiting independent research in some branch of the
candidate's Major Subject, submitted to the Special Committee not later than
April 15 of the last year of candidacy. The copy submitted shall be typewritten
upon paper of prescribed quality and size, and shall be substantially bound.
The cover shall bear the title of the dissertation and the name of the writer,
and the title page shall bear the words: A Dissertation presented to the Academic
Faculty of the University of Virginia in candidacy for the degree of Doctor
of Philosophy. Upon approval of the dissertation the candidate must arrange
for the publication, at the earliest practicable date, of the whole or such portions
of the dissertation as the special committee shall direct. If publication prior
to the conferring of the degree be impracticable, the candidate must deposit with
the Bursar a sum of money sufficient to cover the cost of 50 copies, which shall
be the property of the University Library. Two copies, in addition, must be
placed in the office of the Dean of the Graduate Department.

Grade.—A Graduate Student's standing in a course is indicated not by a
numerical grade, but by one of the following terms: Distinguished, Satisfactory,

Only those courses marked C and D may be counted toward a graduate degree.

Summer Session.—The Master's degree may be won by properly qualified
persons in three full Summer Quarters. In no case will this degree be conferred
without resident graduate study during three quarters, the equivalent in time of
the regular session. Not more than two graduate courses each term of the
Summer Quarter will be credited toward the degree except by special permission
of the Dean and the Committee concerned.

A candidate for the Master's degree in the Summer Quarter must register
with the Dean of the Graduate Department and submit a program of studies in
accordance with the regulations prescribed for admission to candidacy for that


Page 181
degree in the regular session. In addition to the preparation of a thesis, a final
examination, written or oral, upon the program of study and acceptable to the
Professor of the candidate's major subject in the regular session of the University,
will be required.

Scholarships and Fellowships.—A list of Scholarships and Fellowships
available for graduate students will be found on pages 116-123 of the catalogue.

A special Bulletin of the Department of Graduate Studies is issued each
year. This contains detailed information as to courses and regulations of the
Department, and should be consulted by persons interested. This Bulletin may
be obtained from the Registrar of the University. Further information will be
supplied by the Dean of the Graduate Department.

No Page Number



(1) Some courses not listed below meet at hours not arranged until the beginning of
the session.

(2) In courses having more than one section, sections meeting on M-W-F are designated
by odd numbers; those meeting on Tu-Th-S are designated by even numbers. Sections
meeting irregularly are designated by letters.

(3) Lecture courses are printed in Roman type, and their sections are designated by
Arabic numerals. Laboratory courses are printed in Italic type, and their sections are
designated by Roman numerals.

(4) Courses continuing for more than one hour have printed in parenthesis the total
number of hours, and they are listed in each block of the schedule corresponding to the
hours in which they are in progress.

(5) Courses not meeting on days corresponding to the usual M-W-F and Tu-Th-S division
have printed after their names the exact days on which they meet.


No Page Number
Monday, Wednesday, Friday  Hours  Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 
Biology B1, Lab. Sec. I (8:30-10:30)  8:30
Biblical Lit. C1 
English A1, Sec. 1  Chemistry B2 
English A2, Sec. 1  Commercial Geography B1 
English B3, Sec. 1, 3  Commercial Law B1 
French A1, Sec. 1 (Tu-W-Th)  Economics B4, Sec. 2 
Geology B1, Sec. 1  English A1, Sec. 2 
History B1  English A4 (2nd and 3rd terms only) 
[1] Mathematics A1, Sec. 1, 3, 5  French A1, Sec. 1 (Tu-W-Th) 
Physical Exercise, Sec. I  Geology B1, Lab. Sec. II (8:30-10:30) 
Spanish A1, Sec. a (Fri. only)  Music A1 (Also Tu-Th 2:30-3:30) 
Zoology B1  Physical Exercise, Sec. II 
Public Speaking B1, Sec. 2 
Spanish A1, Sec. d (Sat. only), C2 
Biology B1, Lab. Sec. I (8:30-10:30)  9:30
Art B2, B3, C1 (9:30-12:30) 
Economics B1 (M-W)  Biblical Lit. B2 
Economics B1, Sec. a, b, c, d (Fri. only)  Biology B1, Lab. Sec. II (9:30-11:30) 
Economics B5  Chemistry C4 
English A1, Sec. 3  Economics B4, Sec. 4, C5 
English C2  Education B3 
French A1 (M-F)  French A1, Sec. 2, 3, 4 (Tu-W-Th) 
French A1, Sec. 2, 3, 4 (Tu-W-Th)  French C1 or C2 or C3 (Tues. only) 
French C4 (Mon. only)  French C5 (Thurs. only), C8 (Sat. only) 
Geology B1, Lab. Sec. I (9:30-11:30)  Geology B1, Lab. Sec. II (8:30-10:30) 
German A1, Sec. a (Also Tu-Th)  German A1, Sec. a (Tu-Th; also M-W-F) 
Latin C1  Government B1 
Philosophy C1  History B2 
Physics B2  Latin C2 
Spanish A1 (Tu-W)  Music B1 
Spanish A1, Sec. a (M-Th)  Philosophy C2 
Spanish A1, Sec. b, c (M-Th-F)  Public Speaking B1, Sec. 4 
Spanish C3  Spanish A1 (Tu-W) 
Zoology B1, Lab. (9:30-11:30)  Spanish A1, Sec. a (M-Th) 
Spanish A1, Sec. b, c (M-Th-F) 
Spanish A1, Sec. e, f (Sat. only) 
Art B1  10:30
Applied Mathematics C1 
Biology B1, Lab. Sec. III (10:30-12:30)  Art B2 (9:30-12:30) 
Chemistry B1, Sec. 1  Art B3 (9:30-12:30) 
Chemistry C3, Lab. (10:30-12:30)  Art C1 (9:30-12:30) 
Economics B1, Sec. e, f (Fri. only)  Biblical History B1 
Economics B3  Biology B1, Lab. Sec. II (9:30-11:30) 
Economics B9  Botany C1 
Education B1 (Phil. B6)  Chemistry B1, Sec. 2 
Education C1 or C6 (Psychology C1 or C2)  Commercial Geography B2 
English A1, Sec. 5  Economics B2 
English A2, Sec. 3  Economics B6 
English B1  Education B7 
French C9 (Wed. only)  English A1, Sec. 4, 6 
Geology B1, Lab. Sec. I (9:30-11:30)  English Lit. B1 
German B1  French C6 (Thur. only) 
Greek B1  French C7 (Thur. only) 
History B3  Geology B1, Sec. 2 
Latin A1  Latin A2 
Mathematics B1  [2] Mathematics A1, Sec. 2, 4, 6 
Philosophy B2  Mathematics C1 
Philosophy B6 (Education B1)  Music B2 
Psychology C1 or C2 (Education C1 or C6)  Philosophy B5 
Spanish A1, Sec. d, e, f (M-Th)  Physics C2 
Zoology B1, Lab. (9:30-11:30)  Spanish A1, Sec. d, e, f (M-Th) 
Art C2  11:30
Art B2 (9:30-12:30) 
Astronomy B1  Art B3 (9:30-12:30) 
Biology B1, Lab. Sec. III (10:30-12:30)  Art C1 (9:30-12:30) 
Chemistry C2  Biology B1 
Chemistry B1, Lab. Sec. I (11:30-1:30)  Chemistry B3 
Chemistry C3, Lab. (10:30-12:30)  Chemistry B1, Lab. Sec. II (11:30-1:30) 
Economics B4, Sec. 1; B7, C1  Economics B8 
English A1, Sec. 7  Economics C4 
English A2, Sec. 5  Education B5 
English Lit. B2  Education C4 
French B1 (Wed. only)  English A1, Sec. 8, 10 
French B1, Sec. 1, 2, 3 (M-F)  English B2 
Geology B2 (M-Tu-W)  French C10 (Thur. only) 
Geology, B1, Lab. Sec. III (11:30-1:30)  French C11 (Sat. only) 
German B2  Geology B2 (M-Tu-W) 
Greek A1 (Also Tu-Th)  Greek A1 (Tu-Th. Also M-W-F) 
History C1  History C2 or C3 
Latin B1  Latin B2 
Mathematics B2, Sec. 1  [3] Mathematics 1, Sec. 8, 10 
Music C1  Mathematics B2, Sec. 2 
Philosophy C3  Music B3 
Physics 1, Lab. (11:30-1:30)  Philosophy B1, Sec. 2 
Psychology B1  Philosophy B3 
Spanish B1, Sec. 1  Spanish B1, Sec. 2, 4 
Spanish B2 
Astronomy B3  12:30
Applied Mathematics B1 
Biology C1  Chemistry B1, Lab. Sec. II (11:30-1:30) 
Chemistry C3  Economics B11 
Chemistry B1, Lab. Sec. I (11:30-1:30)  Economics C7 
Education B2  Education B9 
English C1  Education C5 
French B2  English A1, Sec. 12 
Geology B1, Lab. Sec. III (11:30-1:30)  English Lit. C1 
German A1, Sec. b (Also Tu-Th)  German A1, Sec. b (Tu-Th. Also M-W-F) 
Government C1  Government B2 
Greek A2  Greek B2 
[4] Mathematics A1, Sec. 7, 9, 11  Philosophy B4 
Philosophy B1, Sec. 1  Physics 1 
Physics 1, Lab. (11:30-1:30)  Physics B1 
Spanish C1  Physics C1 
Architecture B1 (2:30-5:30)  2:30
Arch. Const. B1, B2, B3 (Tu-Th) (2:30-5:30) 
Architecture B2 (2:30-5:30)  Biology B1, Lab. Sec. IV (2:30-4:30) 
Architecture B3 (2:30-5:30)  Botany C1, Lab. (Tu-Th) (2:30-5:30) 
Biology B1, Lab. Sec. V (2:30-4:30)  Chemistry B2, Lab. (Tu-Th) (2:30-5:30) 
Chemistry B1, Lab. Sec. III (2:30-4:30)  Chemistry B3, Lab. (Tu-Th) (2:30-5:30) 
Chemistry B4, Lab. (2:30-5:30)  Forestry B1 (M-Tu-W) 
Education C2 or C3 (3-4:30)  Music A1 (Tu-Th. Also Tu-Th-S 8:30-9:30) 
Forestry B1 (M-Tu-W)  Physical Training Sec. 2 (Tues. only) 
Geology B1, Lab. Sec. V (2:30-4:30)  Physics B1, Lab. Sec. II (Tu-Th) (2:30-5:30) 
Physical Training Sec. 1 (Mon. only) 
Physics B1, Lab. Sec. I (2:30-4:30)  Physics C3, Lab. (Tu-Th) (2:30-5:30) 
Zoology C1  Physics C4, Lab. (Tu-Th) (2:30-5:30) 
Architecture B1 (2:30-5:30)  3:30
Arch. Construction B1 (Tu-Th) (2:30-5:30) 
Architecture B2 (2:30-5:30)  Arch. Construction B2 (Tu-Th) (2:30-5:30) 
Architecture B3 (2:30-5:30)  Arch. Construction B3 (Tu-Th) (2:30-5:30) 
Biology B1, Lab. Sec. V (2:30-4:30)  Biology B1, Lab. Sec. IV (2:30-4:30) 
Chemistry B1, Lab. Sec. III (2:30-4:30)  Botany C1, Lab. (Tu-Th) (2:30-5:30) 
Chemistry B4, Lab. (2:30-5:30)  Chemistry B2, Lab. (Tu-Th) (2:30-5:30) 
Education C2 or C3 (3-4:30)  Chemistry B3, Lab. (Tu-Th) (2:30-5:30) 
Geology B1, Lab. Sec. V (2:30-4:30)  Physical Training, Sec. 4 (Tues. only) 
Physical Training, Sec. 3 (Mon. only)  Physics B1, Lab. Sec. II (Tu-Th) (2:30-5:30) 
Physics B1, Lab. Sec. I (2:30-4:30) 
Zoology C1, Lab. (3:30-:530)  Physics C3, Lab. (Tu-Th) (2:30-5:30) 
Physics C4, Lab. (Tu-Th) (2:30-5:30) 
Architecture B1 (2:30-5:30)  4:30
Arch. Const. B1, B2, B3 (Tu-Th) (2:30-5:30) 
Architecture B2 (2:30-5:30)  Botany C1, Lab. (Tu-Th) (2:30-5:30) 
Architecture B3 (2:30-5:30)  Chemistry B2, Lab. (Tu-Th) (2:30-5:30) 
Chemistry B4, Lab. (2:30-5:30)  Chemistry B3, Lab. (Tu-Th) (2:30-5:30) 
Physical Exercise, Sec. III  Physical Exercise, Sec. IV 
Zoology C1, Lab. (3:30-5:30)  Physics B1, Lab. Sec. II (Tu-Th) (2:30-5:30) 
Physics C3, C4, Lab. (Tu-Th) (2:30-5:30) 
Physical Exercise, Sec. V (5:30-6:30)  Physical Exercise, Sec. VI (5:30-6:30) 
Choral Drill (Mon. only) (5-6)  Band Drill (M-Th) (7:30-9) 
Glee Club (Fri. 5-6. Also Tues. 7:30-8:30)  Glee Club (Tu. 7:30-8:30. Also Fri. 5-6) 
Band Drill (M-Th) (7:30-9) 
Orchestral Drill (Fri. only) (7:30-9) 

Open only to student not having high school credit for Solid Geometry.


Open only to students having high school credit for Solid Geometry.


Open only to students not having high school credit for Solid Geometry.


Open only to students having high school credit for Solid Geometry.