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1. Men.

Glory be to God on high,
Where, in bosom of all space,
Sun and moon have found no place;
Where lies the waveless, shoreless sea
Of eternal clarity;
Where the Saints have fled life's woes
To their haven of repose,
And earth beneath them as they soar,
Releas'd for evermore,
Seems but a wither'd leaf on some bright wat'ry floor.


2. Angels.

Peace be upon earth below:
Pride and envy have no place
Where His sons God doth embrace;
Where the fountain overflows,
Whose full breast no lessening knows;
Where old Eden's fallen towers
The new tree of life embowers,
That, fearless of the fiery brand,
And bold in God's command,
There man may eat, and live, led by Angelic hand.

3. Men and Angels.

Good will to man from God above:
Here at His feast doth Love preside,
Love weaves anew the nuptial tie,
Love decks with health the living Bride,
And clothes with holy poverty:
The ancient Heavens array'd in might,
Walk their high paths of light,
As Duty marshals their appointed way,
But Love attunes their steps to an harmonious lay.