University of Virginia Library

G. F. Spitzer.

Nothing is more pleasing to the eye
of the average person than a tempting
array of groceries in a store that presents
an inviting appearance, and of

the men engaged in the fancy grocery
line in this city Mr. G. F. Spitzer is
the undisputed leader. His place is
located at 413 East Main Street. The
structure is a commodious one having
1260 square feet of floor space, every
foot of which is required for the large
stock. While Mr. Spitzer carries
groceries and produce of every description
he makes a feature of high
grade foreign and domestic fancy
groceries and table delicacies. His assortment
in this line cannot be duplicated
outside of the metropolitan cities.
Among his leaders are Pinmoney
pickels, Heinz's specialities, Foss
candies, Beech Nut bacons and hams,
game, fresh vegetables and York River
oysters in season. The interior of the
store is very handsome, being finished
in a delicate snow white while the bins
and showcases are fitted with heavy
plate glass so their contents are plainly
visible. While the goods are of the
finest quality Mr. Spitzer's prices are
as reasonable as is consistent with his
excellent stock and he caters to one of

The Leterman Company's Big Department Store.

the largest and most exclusive trades
in the city. Mr. Spitzer was born in
Augusta County and came to this
city thirteen years ago. He first entered
the general merchandise business
and later went into the book
binding and printing trade and enjoyed
a large success in both lines.
Two years ago he opened his present
enterprise and through his fair business
methods has built up a patronage
unexcelled. He is a man of the highest
business principles and has a most
enviable reputation for his sterling