University of Virginia Library


CANIDIA'S Answer, shewing that no Prayers shall overcome her, since the Poet had divulg'd her Witchcrafts, so abus'd her.

Why dost pour forth thy Pray'rs to closed Ears?
Not Rocks more deaf to Seamen drown'd in Fears;
Whom NEPTUNE batters oft with brinish Wave;
Shalt thou, unscourg'd, my dark flesh-rites deprave?
And noise abroad those Spells of free Desire?
Rome with my Name (revengeless) daub'd like mire?
Grand Priest advanc'd o'th' Witchcraft Esquiline.
Thou see'st Pelignian Hags, with vain design,
Some nimbler Drug for killing to compound;
Since slower Fates, then wisht, shall thee confound.
Thy tedious Life protracted, Wretch shall be,
That thou mai'st bear more Plagues, new misery.
PELOPS unfaithful Sire, that TANTALUS
Needs friendly Food, repose still longs for thus.
So longs PROMETHEUS still to th' Vulture ty'd;
Sisiphus too that Stone would fixt abid
On th' Mountains top; but JOVE withdraws the power.
Sometimes thou would'st leap down from lofty Tower,
Sometimes with Sword rip up thy Breast, too weak:
In vain thou shalt knit Halters for thy Neck;
Through loathsome Grief orewhelm'd, sad Scoffers pride,
When on thy hateful Back I'l mounted ride:


And shrinking Earth my Insolence shall prove.
Shall I, that can make waxen Statues move
(As thon dost, Peeper, know) by charming sound
Pluck down the Moon from th' Heavenly Pole to ground;
Temper that Drink of strong desire, if please;
Complain my Art on thee should nothing seize?