Morning Glories : | ||
O, Hypocrisy, thou evil-minded, forked tongued and hydra-headed monster. Thou hast assumed the guise of truth, and spread the veil of honor o'er thy wicked face, and shod by feet with sandals of uprightness, but from thy polluted lips spring the odors of the putre— faction within thy sin-coated heart.
Thou stalkest abroad, trailing thine assumed habiliments with a feigned, saint-like pride, but thy unsteady steps betray thy falsity.
In thy hand thou bearest a bludgeon wrapped about with gilded lies, and those who trust thee fall victims to thy deadly blows.
Thou wouldest be called fidelity, but knowest thou not that truth is naked? In her innocence finding no necessity to enshrould her charms. Her form symmetrical, her face adorned by that pervading light, which borroweth its glory from the angels. Her feet are bare,
Morning Glories : | ||