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Second-Year Activities

Physical Education B1: Playground Baseball (Fall and Spring Terms):
Advanced team organization and team play make up the course. A playing
schedule is developed. (Credit, ⅓ session-hour for each term.)


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Physical Education B2: Volleyball (Fall and Spring Terms): Leagues
are formed after team organization and advanced tactics are studied and a
playing schedule followed. (Credit, ⅓ session-hour for each term.)

Physical Education B3: Soccer Football (Fall and Spring Terms):
Fundamentals and elementary team play will be required. (Credit, ⅓ session-hour
for each term.)

Physical Education B4: Advanced Swimming (Fall Term): Development
of various strokes is begun, then water stunts and diving are taught.
(Credit, ⅓ session-hour.)

Physical Education B5: Apparatus and Tumbling Stunts (Fall and
Winter Terms):
Exhibition work on heavy apparatus and in tumbling comprise
the activities in this course. Stunts on low and high horizontal bars,
parallel bars and on the flying rings are taught. (Credit, ⅓ session-hour
for each term.)

Physical Education B6: Tap Dancing (Winter Term): Fundamental
steps are developed. Students must supply their own shoes. (Credit, ⅓

Physical Education B7: Red Cross Life Saving (Spring Term): Students
must be qualified swimmers. Successful candidates obtain official membership
cards from the American Red Cross. (Credit, ⅓ session-hour for
those not credited with A9.)

Physical Education B8: Tennis for Beginners (Spring Term): This
course will be limited to beginners. (Credit, ⅓ session-hour.)

Physical Education Selected Activities: (Winter Term Only): During
the Winter term second-year men may select one or two optional activities
from the accepted list. This list includes basketball, boxing, swimming,
handball, track work, gymnastics, fencing and other activities. The work
is performed on a regular schedule which will be convenient for the student.
(Credit, ⅓ session-hour.)

In addition to the activities which carry credit in session-hours the School
of Physical Education is aiding in the development of an intramural program.
So far, teams and leagues have been organized in playground baseball,
basketball, handball and soccer. Tentative additional offerings include
touch football, swimming, track and field events, and volleyball.

Not only first- and second-year students but all students are eligible
for intramural participation.