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Histology C1: Biology B1 prerequisite.—Three lectures or recitations and
nine hours of laboratory work weekly during the second term, and one lecture
and six hours of laboratory work weekly during the third term.
This course
aims to acquaint the student with the microscopic structure of tissues and organs.
Cytogenesis and histogenesis are briefly considered in the case of many tissues
studied. The relation of histology to physiology and pathology is constantly
kept in view. The student is also given opportunity to acquaint himself with
the principles and practice of histological technique.

Dr. Jordan and Dr. Kindred.

Embryology C1: Histology C1 prerequisite.—Eight hours weekly during
the third term.
The laboratory work (six hours weekly) with sections and dissections
of mammalian embryos, is supplemented by lectures, recitations, and
the study of models. The course aims to give the student a knowledge of developmental
processes, in the light of which he may the better understand the
more abstruse normal conditions of adult anatomy, as well as many anomalies
and variations.

Dr. Jordan and Dr. Kindred.

Histology D1: The histology and embryology of the blood-forming tissues.
Session 1930-31.

Histology D2: The histology and embryology of the endocrine tissues.
Session 1931-32.

Histology D3: The histology and embryology of the reproductive organs.
Session 1932-33.

Histology C1 and Embryology C1 prerequisite for the D courses.—Nine hours
weekly during third term.

Dr. Jordan and Dr. Kindred.