University of Virginia Library

To the PEOPLE of ROME. Epod. XVI.

He bewails the State, for its Civil Wars, Dissensions.

Now second age is worn in Civil wars,
And Rome by her own strength doth fall;
Whom could not wast Marsians, our borderers,
Porsenna's threatning hand enthral;
Capua's emulous force, Spartacus rough,
Th' unfaithful Gaul through new desires,
Nor blew-ey'd German youth of sturdy proof,
Hannibal, loath'd by mourning Sires,
We shall destroy (foul, blood-devoted Age)
Till streets do lodg wild Beasts agen;
Her ashes stamp'd by barbarous Foe, bruis'd stage
For horse resounding Hoofs, unclean:
And Romulus bones, yet freed from Wind and Sun,
Proud, wicked hands shall dissipate.
Perchance you all, or th' better part, would shun
Wars mischief, Toils, orewhelming fate,
Let then this Councel move, as Phoceans
Their City wandring fled, with Curse;
Their houses, grounds resign'd, with hallow'd Fanes
For Bores and wolvish dens, no worse;
Let's go where feet can carry, Mates, where-ere
The North shall call, or fierce South-wind:
Is this approv'd best Vote? Why sails to rear
Defer'd when Omen choice combin'd?
But to this all be sworn, when Rocks the deep
Shall gliding range, let's hasten home;


When Poe the crest of Mount Matine, so steep,
Shall washing scour, spread sails for Rome:
When into th' Sea tall Apennine shall rush,
Or Monsters mix through strangest Love
New-coupled Limbs; Stags Tigers kindly crush;
Adulterate with Rites the Dove:
Nor credulous Heards the yellow Lion fear,
Smooth Goat rejoyc'd with brinish Wave;
These vow'd, resolv'd; so fond returns forswear
Let's go with general Voice and brave,
Or Wiser part then th' ill-train'd Croud; the rest
(Soft, fearful) to their Beds give o're.
You vertuous Ones plaints womanish detest,
And fly beyond th' Etruscan shore;
Th' all wandring Ocean prove those blisful fields
Let us regard those wealthy Isles,
Where th' Earth unplough'd her Annual harvest yields;
And Vine unprun'd with plenty smiles:
Where th' Olive-branch gives full and lage Account,
Black-cheeked Fig Trees kindly graces;
Moist Honey streams from th' hallow'd Oak, soft Fount
Leaps from the Hills with murmuring paces.
There Goats unbid to th' Milking pale do come,
Stretch'd Dugs in friendly Flocks abound;
No Evening-bears 'bout Folds do bauling roam,
Nor swells with Viper-brood the ground.
More things you'l blest admire, that moist East-wind
Ne're gluts the Soil with dashing show'rs;
Nor those fat Seeds prove burnt through droughts unkind,
Heav'ns king since tempers both conforms.
Ne're Argos-pine with Oars did thither hast,
Medean Witch lust harbour there;
Nor Cadmus troop with horned Sayls and Mast,
ULISSES toilsome Band appear:
No Murrains cattle wrong, nor scorch'd their Flock
Through Stars bad raging heats, effect.
JOVE still conceal'd those Shores for pious Stock,
Gold-times with Brass when did infect;
Though now to Iron hardned hath our Age,
Whence good Men may for happy Flight idgage.