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The works of Allan Ramsay

edited by Burns Martin ... and John W. Oliver [... and Alexander M. Kinghorn ... and Alexander Law]

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The Ape and the Leopard.
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The Ape and the Leopard.

The Ape and Leopard, Beasts for Show,
The first a Wit, the last a Beau;
To make a Penny at a Fair,
Advertis'd a' their Parts sae rare.
The tane gae out with meikle Wind,
His Beauty 'boon the brutal Kind;
Said he, I'm kend baith far and near,
Even Kings are pleas'd when I appear:
And when I yield my vital Puff,
Queens of my Skin will make a Muff;
My Fur sae delicate and fine,
With various Spots does sleekly shine.—
Now Lads and Lasses fast did rin
To see the Beast with bonny Skin:
His Keeper shaw'd him round about;
They saw him soon, and soon came out.
But Master Monky with an Air
Hapt out, and thus harangu'd the Fair;
Come, Gentlemen, and Ladies bonny,
I'll give ye Pastime for your Money:
I can perform, to raise your wonder,
Of pawky Tricks mae than a hunder.
My Cousin Spottie, true he's braw,
He has a curious Suit to shaw,
And nathing mair.—But frae my Mind
Ye shall blyth Satisfaction find.
Sometimes I'll act a Cheil that's dull,
Look thoughtfu', grave, and wag my Scull;
Then mimick a light-headed Rake,
When on a Tow my Houghs I shake:
Sometime, like modern Monks, I'll seem
To make a Speech, and nathing mean.


But come away, ye needna speer
What ye're to pay; I'se no be dear:
And if ye grudge for want of Sport,
I'll give it back t'ye at the Port.
The Ape succeeded, in Fowk went,—
Stay'd long,—and came out well content.
Sae much will Wit and Spirit please,
Beyond our Shape, and brawest Claiths.
How mony, ah! of our fine Gallants
Are only Leopard in their Talents!