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"Additio sapientium Wilemari," tit. 5.


Book i, tit. 6, section 3.


Book ii, tit. 5, section 23.


Added to the Salic law in 819.


See Beaumanoir, 64, p. 328.


Ibid., p. 329.


See Beaumanoir, 3, p. 25 and 329.


See in regard to the arms of the combatants, Beaumanoir, 61, p. 308, and 64, p. 328.


Ibid., 74, p. 328. See also the "Charters of St. Aubin of Anjou," quoted by Galland, p. 263.


Among the Romans, it was not infamous to be beaten with a stick.


They had only the baston and buckler. — Beaumanoir, 64, p. 328.


Book i, tit. 6, section 1.


Ibid.; section 2.