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Emblemes and Epigrames

Psal: Quum defecerit virtus mea, ne derelinquas me, Domine. [A.D. 1600, by Francis Thynne ... ]: Edited by F. J. Furnivall

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(46) Woodcocks.

He is as wise as a Woodcock, all wee doe see,
because everie woodcock is as wise as hee,
which wee knowe to be true, and that the rather,
for that Alderman woodcock was his father:
A thinge of greate worth, that woodcocks are made
the governours of Citties and the Marchants trade.
Then woodcock on his side, by birth and by witt,
makes him as wise as a woodcock his birth for to fitt;
for if naught ells causd him a woodcock to bee,
yet since he is borne a woodcock in everie degree,
he cannot degenerate from woodcocks kinde,
and therfore as wise as a woodcock you shall him finde.