University of Virginia Library


Sardius was sad upon his audience-seat.
Then spoke old Philomars: “Remember well,
O king! without the city, had retreat
Two of those captives of a race so fell,
“Thy father and my lord would rid the earth,
Root, branch, and bud, and gave the task to me;
But two escaped the sword, and so had birth
Another serpent. This, O prince! to thee
“Was told, and to complete the work I craved:
But thou didst check my zeal with angry mood,
And saidst, ‘If any trembling wretch be saved,
Let him live on: there's been enough of blood.’


“We've traced Lord Meles to that serpent's den,
And seen him in the vile earth murdered lie:
Yet wherefore grieves the greatest king of men?
This only is the fruit of clemency.”