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But now am I return'd whence I set forth,
Though yet I stand here in the self-same place.
This Epidamnian, whom I spoke of, he
Who stole that other boy, no children had
Except his riches, therefore he adopts
This stranger-boy, gave him a wife well-portioned,
And makes him his sole heir, before he died.
As he was haply going to the country,
After an heavy rain, trying to ford
A rapid river near unto the city,
Th'rapid river rap'd him off his legs,
And snatch'd him to destruction: a large fortune
Fell to the youth, who now lives here: the other,
Who dwells at Syracuse, is come to day
To Epidamnum with a slave of his,


In quest of his twin brother. Now this city
[pointing to the scenes.]
Is Epidamnum, while this play is acting;
And when another shall be represented,
'Twill be another place; like as our company
Are also wont to shift their characters.
While the same player at one time is a pimp,
And then a young gallant, an old curmudgeon,
A poor man, rich man, parasite, or priest.