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Once more, sad heart, we stand again
Outside the dear old home,
And thoughts that long had buried lain
Rise up as from the tomb.
All empty is the house and cold,
Fast falls the wintry snow,
And white lies all the world around,
While wild winds round us blow.
We stood here last when earth was bright
With love, and light, and song,
When in a dream of sweet delight
The swift days pass'd along.
Fond voices fill'd with music sweet
The wing'd and joyous hours;
And pleasures sprang around the feet
As spring the summer flowers.
O haunting visions of the past,
That heart and mem'ry fill,
O joys too precious far to last,
I thought to hold you still.—


I turn from this once happy scene,—
I turn away in tears;
Yet still shall keep remembrance green
Through all the coming years.
Farewell, ye ghosts of a long dead day,
That haunt each well-known room,
With saddened heart I take my way,
And front the gathering gloom.
Another home attracts me now,
Where lov'd ones for me wait,
Where sorrow sleeps, and woes are dumb,
Beyond the golden gate.