University of Virginia Library



The more sharp the Winter prov'd, he should the more cheer up, refresh himself.

View'st how Soracte white does wear
Deep Shrouds of snow? and Woods appear
Through surcharged Branch opprest?
Congealed Streams do rest.
Come THALIARCH, banish cold, throw on
Large piles to th' Sabine cask anon?
Four years Wine thence freely draw,
'Twill Winter help to thaw.
Leave th' rest to Gods, who when shall please
To hush warring Winds and boyling Seas,
Nor the old Ash, nor Cypress shall
Be tost disturb'd at all.
To morrow's Fates neglect, esteem
Each new day gain'd; nor nicer seem
Young sweet, pleasing Loves t'advance;
Joyn'd hands in Virgin-dance.
Ere testy Age befrost thine head,
Now Manly fields for Action tread:
Twilights whispering talk (set hour)
Oft steal: now from close Bower.
Dark nook fine tittering Noise betrays
Some Female Wag, in skulking Maze;
Pledg from Wrist of Finger taken:
Forc'd though with ease forsaken,