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[VI. The first part. From stately tower, king Dauid sat behoulding]

From stately tower, king Dauid sat behoulding

From stately tower, king Dauid sat behoulding, faire Bethsabe, who in a fountaine naked, faire Bethsabe, who in a fountaine naked, hir golden locks against the sunne vnfoulding, against the sunne vnfoulding, in Christall waues the same did wash and shaked, and shaked, in Christall waues the same did wash and shaked. Not Cynthea pale, though shee be clad in Lillies, Nor whitest snow that lies vpon the mountaine, that lies vpon the mountaine, Nor Venus bright, nor dainty Amarillis,

nor daintie Amarillis, Amarillis, dyd shew more fayre, then shee dyd in the fountaine, then she did in the fountaine, then she dyd in the fountaine, fountaine.

[VII. The second part. With hir sweet locks, this king was so inflamed]

With hir sweet locks, with hir sweet locks

With hir sweet locks, with hir sweet locks, this king was so infla'md, this king was so inflamed, that he to wed this Lady most desired, that hee to wed this Lady most desired, by whose great might, by whose great might the matter so was framed, that he posest hir bewty most admired, hee posest hir bewty most admired, yet afterward that hee to loue consented, ten thousand teares he wept, whē he repented, ten thousand teares he wept, when he repented. when hee repented.