University of Virginia Library

[Tell me, ye Men of doughty Quill]


Tell me, ye Men of doughty Quill,
And shew in Heraldry your Skill,


Which Order's best, and valu'd most,
Knights of the Stocks, or of the Post?
Mistake me not, for I'm sincere,
I mean no Sham-Athenians here,
Altho' their Mansion of chief Fame
Stands by a Market of that Name:
Yet must I needs confess, their Writing
Deserves no other sort of Knighting;
Nor to a Sir can make Pretence,
Unless 'twere join'd with Reverence.


Tell me, in fine, what Scorn is due to those,
Who bid us all our Doubts to them propose,
Yet answer none, where difficult and hard;
But call them Riddles, and not worth Regard?
When OEdipus, if we may credit Fame,
Clearing a Riddle, got a Hero's Name.
Excuse th'unequal Instance that I bring;
For what Comparison is in the Thing?
Athenian Rubbish, and a Theban King.