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"To His Lordship, Anthony O'Regan of Chicago:—We, the
undersigned, inhabitants of the parish of St. Anne, Beaver settlement, seeing
with sorrow that you have discarded our humble request, which we have
sent you by four delegates, and have persisted in trying to drive away
our honest and worthy priest, who has edified us in all circumstances


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by his public and religious conduct, and having, contrary to the rules of our
holy church and common sense, struck our worthy pastor, Mr. Chiniquy,
with excommunication, having caused him to be announced as a schismatic
priest, and having forbidden us to communicate with him in religious matters,
are hereby protesting against the unjust and iniquitous manner in
which you have struck him, refusing him the privilege of justifying himself
and proving his innocence.

"Consequently, we declare that we are ready at all times as good
Catholics, to obey all your orders and ordinances that are in accordance
with the laws of the Gospel and the Church, but that we are not willing to
follow you in all your errors of judgments, in your injustices and covetous
caprices. Telling you, as St. Jerome wrote to his Bishop, that as long as
you will treat us as your children, we will obey you as a father; but as soon
as you will treat us as our master, we shall cease to consider you as our
father. Considering Mr. Chiniquy as a good and virtuous priest, worthy of
the place he occupies, and possessing as yet all his sacerdotal powers, in
spite of your null and ridiculous sentence, we have unanimously decided to
keep him among us as our pastor; therefore praying your Lordship not to
put yourself to the trouble of seeking another priest for us. More yet: we
have unanimously decided to sustain him and furnish him the means to go
as far as Rome, if he cannot have justice in America.

"We further declare that it has been dishonorable and shameful for our
bishop and for our holy religion to have seen, coming under the walls of
our chapel, bringing the orders of the prince of the church of a representative
of Christ, three men covered with their sacerdotal garments, having
their tongues half paralyzed by the effects of brandy, and who, turning their
backs to the church, went into the house and barn of one of our settlers and
there emptied their bottles. And from there, taking their seats in their
buggies, went towards the settlement of L'Erable, singing drunken songs
and hallooing like wild Indians. Will your lordship be influenced by such
a set of men, who seem to have for their mission to degrade the sacrados
and Catholicism?

"We conclude, in hoping that your lordship will not persist in your
decision, given in a moment of madness and spite; that you will reconsider
your acts, and that you will retract your unjust, null and ridiculous excommunication,
and by these means avoid the scandal of which your precipitation
is the cause. We then hope that, changing your determination, you
will work for the welfare of our holy religion, and not to its degredation, in
which your intolerant conduct would lead us, and that you will not persist
in trying to drive our worthy pastor, Rev. Charles Chiniquy, from the
flourishing colony that he has founded at the cost of the abandonment of
his native land, of the sacrifice of the high position he had in Canada: that
you will bring peace between you and us, and that we shall have in the
Bishop of Chicago not a tyrant, but a father, and that you will have in us


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not rebels, but faithful children, by our virtues and our good example.
Subscribing ourselves the obedient children of the church.

"And five hundred others."