University of Virginia Library


Knee to knee, lads, ride and steady
In your stirrups, stand and go
With a will against the foe,
All as one man ranked and ready,
Through eclipse and earthquake throe.
Break those legions out of joint,
Do not tarry,
Thrust or parry,
Meet their powder with the point;
It is England's power you carry,
England's honour that you save—
On to glory, though a grave.
Knee to knee, lads, grip the leather
As you front the leaden hail;
Do not falter, do not fail;
In among them romp together,
Reap red harvest with the flail.
Lo, an Empire at your heel
Greets with gladness
Splendid madness—
Give them blazes and cold steel.
Though they bring you wounds and sadness,
Husband every blow and breath;
On to triumph, if to death.
Knee to knee, lads, grant no quarter,
As the Dervish does to you;
Strike for England, dare and do,
While brave blood is shed as water
And you scarce can struggle through.
England bids you to the test
Of this fighting,
And each smiting
Buffet pierces her own breast;


Ah, a fallen kingdom's righting
Is your grand and goodly trust,
Should your portion be the dust.
Knee to knee, lads, cut a larger
Road of light across the gloom—
Courage finds a royal room
Yet for gallant man and charger,
With a portal out of doom.
Oh for England ride to-day,
Knit as brothers
For your mothers
And the wives so far away;
Though the rich fruits be another's,
And your bodies but the path,
Great will be the aftermath.