University of Virginia Library

Charlottesville Canning Company.

Charlottesville being located in the
heart of one of the most fertile agricultural
and fruit cultivating districts of
the South, it is natural that the packing
industry here should be one of
large proportions. One of the representative
enterprises is the Charlottesville
Canning Company, whose works
are equipped with all the very latest
improved machinery and appliances.
The capacity of the plant is about 30,000
cans a day and from thirty to fifty
hands and more are employed in the
height of the season. The company
are packers of all sorts of fruits and
vegetables, specialties being made however,
of choice sweetcorn, fruits and
pumpkins, all of which are recognized as
standard goods of the very finest quality.
The productions of the company
have achievd a reputation extending


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throughout the entire country for
general purity, flavor and uniform
excellence. The Charlottesville Canning
Company was established and
incorporated in 1905, under the laws of
Virginia. The officers are Major C.
M. Bolton, president, and C. G. Maphis,

Plant of the Charlottesville Canning Company.

secretary and treasurer. The
board of directors consists of Capt.
Thomas P. Peyton, T. J. Wills, L. T.
Hanckel, J. Thornton, Thompson J.
Brown, Jr., W. M. Lile, R. A. Watson,
C. H. Walker, all of whom are gentlemen
too well known in commercial and
financial circles to require any introduction.
In connection with the canning
plant an excellent cider mill is
conducted, from which some forty
barrels of the finest cider ever drank
by mortal man is turned out daily.
The company operates their own electric
light plant and water works, and
in every respect it will be readily seen
that the company is most progressive,
and one that Charlottesville should be
justly proud of. President Bolton is
also the president of the Charlottesville
& Albemarle Railway Company, and
is interested in other enterprises. Mr.
Maphis is of the well known real estate
firm of Maphis, Shaw & Offley, and is
one of our most public spirited men of
affairs, and has long been a very
active member of the Chamber of Commerce.