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Te Reo and literacy programmes for Mäori

One of the initiatives of the Tü Tangata philosophy of the Department of Maori Affairs in the late 1970s was the establishment of the Te Köhanga Reo movement in 1977. The primary aim of Te Köhanga Reo is to encourage and increase the development of Mäori spoken language but they also begin pre-reading skills with picture cards and stories in Mäori. The consequence of success in Te Köhanga Reo and continuing education in Mäori has been a huge increase in Mäori text picture books, school readers and educational books generally. One of the most important changes in education generally and specifically teaching reading has been the development of Te Reo Mäori, and there are now over 60 titles in the He Purapura series of readers for five-to eight-year-olds; some of the Ready to Read series have been translated into Mäori, and there are also the He Kohikohinga series for older students; Ngä Körero which are stories from the School Journal translated into Mäori and Ngä Tamariki Iti o Aotearoa , books designed to be read to young children. These series are all produced by Learning Media and are listed in a handbook Te Reo Mäori Resources (1993). (Learning Media has also produced reading materials in Samoan and other Pacific Island languages which are discussed in more detail in the following chapter.)

     Literacy among Mäori children prompted the development of the Reading Tutoring Programme documented in Pause, Prompt, Praise (Atvars, Berryman and Glynn, 1995), a trial project implemented by Mäori for Mäori in the Tauranga area. Surveys like Wagemaker (1993) highlight the comparatively

poor performance of Mäori and Polynesian children in reading achievement and there are as yet no PAT tests for children learning reading in Mäori. Children's reading achievement in Mäori is discussed in Köhanga Reo Let's Celebrate (1992). Mäori Literacy and Numeracy (Irwin, Davies and Harre Hindmarsh, 1995) puts Mäori literacy generally into the context of colonial and post-colonial political and discursive processes and discusses the collision of an oral tradition with the world of literacy.