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Ane Co[m]pendious [buik] of godlie Psalmes and spirit[uall Sangis]

collectit furthe of sindrie pa[rtis of the] Scripture, with diueris utheris [balla]tis changeit out of prophaine [sangis] in godlie sangis, for [avodying of] sin and harlatrie. With [aug]mentation of sindrie [gude] and godlie Ballattis not contenit in the first editioun [by John Wedderburn]

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[Was not Salomon the King]

[Was not Salomon the King]

Was not Salomon the King,
To miserie be wemen brocht:
Quhilk wisdome out of frame did bring
Till he maist wickitly had wrocht.
A thousand wemen he did keip,
Allace allace,
Quhilk drownit him in Sin sa deip,
As come to pas.
Was not Paris maist wickitlie
Be Uenus led to Helenis lust:
For quhilk sin and adulterie
The plagues of Troy war efter Iust:
The sturdie stormis he did Indure


Allace, allace,
His lustiug lyfe was nathing sure.
As come to pas.
Thocht Troylus Cressed did enioy,
As Paris Helene did lykewise:
Ȝit leuit he not lang in Troy.
Bot that Fortoun did him dispise,
Quha wald then wirk accordinglie
Allace, allace,
Sic plesure bringis Miserie
As come to pas.
Thocht Ouid fayne that Leander,
Aduenterit mekill his lufe to gaine:
Ȝit dois the Poet Menander,
Aduertise vs for to refraine,
For lusting lyfe is nathing stayed
Allace, allace,
Ilk man thairfoir may be afrayed
Quhilk is bot gras.
Quhat sall we say to Pyramus,
Sic wretchit wo did him assaill:
His end in deid was dolorns,
Quhen fulische frensie did preuaill
Quhat wise man wald his fact commend
Allace, allace,
Quhilk brocht his lyfe vnto ane end
As come to pas.
Thocht Hercules for Exionie,
A michtie Monster did subdew:


Ȝit endit he in miserie
Gif Poetis faining may be trew,
Disminsing mate Abderitus:
Allace, allace,
Ane deith sustenit meruellous
As come to pas.
Anaxaretus sum do say,
Entised Iphis outwardlie:
And than with drew hir lufe away
And he him self slew wilfullie
Traist the vntraistie quha that will:
Allace, allace,
For sic my self I will not kill
As his lufe was.
Thocht Iupiter transformit him.
Alcumena for to defile:
The fenȝeit Goodis thay scornit him,
For lyke offence within a quhyle,
For quhen he lay in Uenus lap:
Allace allace,
Uulcanus tuke him in ane trap,
As come to pas.
Thus bewtie breidis bitternes,
And bringis baill to mony men:
Quha is led be wilfulnes,
Sall feill the force of bewtie then:
For sum being taken in the traine:
Allace allace,
Ar led to penurie and paine.
As come to pas.


Thocht Cato Prince of prudent price{,}
In welthie stait did lang remaine,
Ȝit be the chance of Fortounis dice,
Mekill miserie he did sustaine.
His weddit wyfe did wirk him wo,
Allace allace,
Mekill mair thir beistis quhilk cum and go,
Pas and repas.
Tiberius the Empriour,
Be his wyffis greit adulterie:
Loste his pompe and puissant power,
Ending his lyfe in miserie.
Cheis weill thairfoir leist ȝe do say:
Allace allace,
Lat thir and vther at this dap.
Be as thy glas.
Althocht Marcus Antonius.
Was sene in Cosmographia:
Ȝit was his end maist dolorus,
Be that fals harlot Faustina,
Tak heid thairfoir of this be war.
Allace allace,
Be thow not snaird in Uenus snair:
In ony case.
Althocht Sextus Tarquinius,
Defylit chaist Lucresia,
He and his Father Superbus,
From Rome war banischit away.
A Iust rewaird for sit offence:
Allace allace,


Lyke punischement for lyke offence
Oft cummis to pas.
Thocht subtill Sardanapalus
A Prince was picht to rewle and reigne:
Ȝit war his factis sa licharus,
That euerie man micht se them plaine,
At Babylon he did desyre
Allace, allace,
To set the haill Castell on fyre
Quhair brunt he was.
Ptholomeus Philopater,
The michtie King of Egypt land,
Being a michtie Conquerer
His lust vnto a wenche did stand
His weddit wyfe he put to deith
Allace, allace,
Thus Princes oft do spend thair braith:
As come to pas.
Phisco lykewise the Lychorus
Quhilk Children be his Sisteris had:
That gat Heliogabalus,
Quhais lyfe in lust was spent to bad
Defyling Mayd and wyfe also
Allace, allace,
Harlottis with him micht ryde and go
Quhair he did pas.
Althocht Caius Caligula
All his awin Sisteris did defyle:
And thocht him self in quyet stay


Possessing plesure for ane quhyle.
Ȝit his men did his deith conspyre:
Allace, allace,
This wretchit man he had his hyre
As come to pas.