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I. Philosophy.

Philosophy B1: Logic.—First term: Deductive Logic. Second term:
Inductive Logic. Special attention is directed to the analysis of logical arguments
and to the detection of fallacies in reasoning. Third term: A critical
exposition of different theories of knowledge.—(B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.)
Two sections. Professors Lefevre and Pott, Mr. Stanley.

Philosophy B2: Ethics.—The course deals with the general development
and the different types of theories of morality, and is intended to aid the
student in reaching a constructive result. (B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.)
Professor Lefevre.

Philosophy B3: Social Philosophy.—First term: Social psychology. Second
and third terms: A discussion of the chief social problems of the present
day, in the light of the principles of social psychology.—(B.A. or B.S.
credit, 3 session-hours.) Professor Balz.[6]

Philosophy B4: History of Morals: Not open to first-year students.—A
descriptive and genetic study of moral ideas and practices at different stages of
society and in different civilizations, with a view to showing the progressive
character of morality and its present social significance.—(B.A. or B.S. credit,
3 session-hours.) Professor Balz.

Philosophy B5: Philosophy of Government: Not open to first-year students.—The
chief aim of the course is a study of the leading philosophical conceptions
of government in Western civilization. The course will also include the


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examination of the chief political ideas of Oriental civilization, with the purpose
of placing Western conceptions in wider perspective.—(B.A. or B.S. credit, 3
session-hours.) Associate Professor Pott.

Philosophy B6: (Education B1): History and Philosophy of Education.
—A study of the chief educational ideals of mankind in relation to their social
and historical conditions, and as the expression of corresponding philosophies
of life.—(B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.) Associate Professor Pott.

Philosophy C1: History of Philosophy: Prerequisite: and two "B" courses
listed in this school.
—The lectures trace the development of philosophical
thought from the early Greeks to the middle of the nineteenth century. The
endeavor is made to present the various philosophical systems in their relation
to the civilization of the age in which they belong, and to estimate their social and
political significance.—Professor Lefevre.

Philosophy C2: The Problems of Philosophy: Prerequisite: any two
"B" courses listed in this school.
—The field of philosophy and its relations to
science and religion. The analysis of persistent problems, rather than systems,
with the purpose of giving the student an insight into typical solutions. Professor

Philosophy C3: Recent Philosophical Tendencies: Open to students who
have taken or are taking Philosophy C1 or C2.
—A critical study of various
philosophers representing recent and contemporary movements.—Professor Balz.

Philosophy C4: Oriental Philosophy: Open to students who have taken or
are taking Philosophy C1 or C2.
—The philosophy of India and China.—Associate
Professor Pott.

Only one of the following courses will be given in session 1925-1926.

Philosophy D1: Plato and Aristotle: Admission on approval of the professors
in charge.
The philosophy of Plato and Aristotle, with a survey of
the development of thought from Aristotle to Aquinas.—Professors Lefevre,
and Pott.

Philosophy D2: Empiricism and Rationalism: Admission on approval of
the professors in charge.
—The empirical movement as represented by Locke,
Berkeley, and Hume, and the rationalistic movement as represented by Descartes,
Spinoza, and Leibnitz are studied with reference to their distinctive methods.—
Professors Lefevre, Balz, and Pott.

Philosophy D3: Admission on approval of the professors in charge.—A
study of the philosophy of Kant, Fichte, Schelling, and Hegel.—Professors
Lefevre, Balz, and Pott.

Further advanced work will be arranged in accordance with the needs of individual


Professor Balz is absent on leave in 1924-25. Acting Assistant Professor Alfred Taylor,
Jr., is in charge of Professor Balz's work.


Professor Balz is absent on leave in 1924-25. Acting Assistant Professor Alfred Taylor,
Jr., is in charge of Professor Balz's work.

II. Psychology.

Psychology B1: General Psychology.—A survey of the principles of
psychology, either as part of a liberal education or as preparation for professional


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study.—(B.A. or B.S. credit, 3 session-hours.) Professor Ferguson
and Mr. Scott.

Psychology B2: (Education B2): Educational Psychology.—(See
School of Education.)

Psychology C1: (Education C1): Advanced General Psychology:
Psychology B1 and one "B" course in Philosophy prerequisite.—An intensive
study of fundamental processes and problems, involving a survey of important
modern contributions to psychological literature, with emphasis upon a systematic
formulation of results.—To be given in alternate years with Psychology C2.
Professor Ferguson.

Psychology C2: (Education C6): Mental Tests and Their Applications:
Psychology B1 and one "B" course in Philosophy prerequisite.—A study of the
more important mental tests and intelligence scales, with practice in their administration
and interpretation.—To be given in alternate years with Psychology
—Professor Ferguson.

Psychology D1: Admission on approval of the professor in charge.—Advanced
work to meet the needs of individual students. Professor Ferguson.