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Ane Co[m]pendious [buik] of godlie Psalmes and spirit[uall Sangis]

collectit furthe of sindrie pa[rtis of the] Scripture, with diueris utheris [balla]tis changeit out of prophaine [sangis] in godlie sangis, for [avodying of] sin and harlatrie. With [aug]mentation of sindrie [gude] and godlie Ballattis not contenit in the first editioun [by John Wedderburn]

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[Knaw ȝe not God Omnipotent]


[Knaw ȝe not God Omnipotent]

Knaw ȝe not God Omnipotent
He creat man and maid him fre,
Quhill he brak his commandement
And eit of the forbiddin tre
Had not that blissit barne bene borne
Sin to redres,
Lowreis ȝour lyues had bene forlorne
For all ȝour Mes.
Sen we war all to Sin maid sure,
Throw Adamis Inobedience:
(Saif Christ) thair was na Creature,
Maid Sacrifice for our offence,
Thair is na Sanct may saue ȝour Saull
Fra ȝe transgres,
Suppois Sanct Peter and Sanct Paull
Had baith said Mes.
Knawing thair is na Christ bot ane
Quhilk rent was on the Rude with roddis:
Quhy giue ȝe gloir to stock and stane
In worschipping of vther Goddis,
Thir Idoles that on Alteris standis,
Ar fenȝeitnes,
Ȝe gat not God amang ȝour handis,
Mumling ȝour Mes.
And sen na Sanct ȝour Saull may saue,
Perchance ȝe will speir at me than:
How may the Paip thir Pardounis haue
With power baith of beist and man?
Throw nathing bot ane fenȝeit faith
For halynes.


Inuentit wayis to get thame graith,
Lyke as the Mes.
Of mariage ȝe maid ȝow quyte,
Thinking it thraldome to refraine:
Wanting of wyiffis is appetyte,
That curage micht incres againe.
Thay hony lippis ȝe did persew.
Grew gall I ges.
Thinking it was contritioun trew,
To dance ane Mes.
Giue God, was maid of bittis of breid,
Eit ȝe nocht ouklie sax or seuin,
As it had bene ane mortall feid,
Quhill ȝe had almaist heryit heuin,
Als nony Deuillis, ȝe man deuoir,
Quhill hell grow les.
Or doutles we dar nocht restoir,
Ȝow to ȝour Mes.
Giue God be transubstantiall,
In breid with hoc est corpus meum,
Quhy war ȝe sa vnnaturall?
As tak him in ȝour teith and sla him,
Tripairtit and denydit him.
At ȝour dum dres.
Bot God knawis how ȝe gydit him.
Mumling ȝour Mes.
Ȝe partit with dame pouertie,
Tuke propertie to be ȝour wyfe:
Fra Charitie and Chastitie


With licharie ȝe led ȝour lyfe,
That raisit the mother of mischeif
Ȝour gredynes.
Beleuing ay to get releif
For saying Mes.
O wickit vaine Ueneriens{,}
Ȝe ar not Sanctis (thocht ȝe seme haly)
Proude poysonit Epecuriens,
Quhilk had na God bot ȝour awin bellie,
Beleue ȝe Lownis the Lord allowis
Ȝour Idilnes:
Lang or the sweit cum ouir ȝour browis
For saying Mes.
Had not ȝour self begun the weiris,
Ȝour Stepillis had bene standand ȝit:
It was the flattering of ȝour Freiris
That euer gart Sanct Frances flit,
Ȝe grew sa Superstitious
In wickitnes
It gart vs grow Malitious,
Contrair ȝour Mes.
Our Bischoppis ar degenerate
Thocht thay be mountit vpon Mulis:
With huredome clene effeminate
And Freiris oft tymes preuis fulis
For Dustifit and Bob at euin,
Do sa Incres
Hes dreuin sum of them to teine
For all thair Mes.


Christ keip all faithfull Christianis
From peruerst pryde and Papistrie:
God grant thaine trew Intelligens,
Of his law, word, and veritie,
God grant thay may thair lyfe amend,
Syne blis posses,
Throw faith on Christ all that depend,
And nocht on Mes,
Sen Mes is na thing ellis to say,
Bot ane wickit Inuentioun,
Without authoritie, or stay,
Of Scripture or fundatioun,
Giue Kingis, wald Mes to Rome hence dryue,
With haistines,
Suld be the meane to haue belyue,
Ane end of mes.