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Lydgate's Fall of Princes

Edited by Dr. Henry Bergen ... presented to The Early English Text Society by The Carnegie Institution of Washington

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[Off the Duk zantipus/cast in to see.]

Afftir that Hanybal was slay[e]n thus
And put to flih[t], as maad is mencioun,
Tofor Bochas cam worthi Zantipus,
A famous duk, ful notable off renoun.
And he was lord of the strong regioun
Lacedemoyn, & was com from a-ferre
Into Cartage to help hem in the werre.
Bi whos prowesse, to his encres of glorie,
The proud[e] Romeyns wer put to the fliht;
Cartagynensis hadde of them victorie.
And ther was take the wise manli kniht
Marchus Regulus, & brouht anon riht
Into Cartage, & lad as prisoneer
Bi Zantipus, as Bochas writeth heer.
This noble duk, for al his hih prowessis
Doon in Cartage & shewed to ther toun,
And for al his notable kyndenessis,
Thei most vnkyndeli quit hym his guerdoun;
For sailyng hom toward his regioun,
In a shipp stuffid of ther contre,
Of fals envie thei cast hym in the se.
To his noblesse and famous cheualrie,
Whan he of knihthod sat hiest in his flours,
Thei of Cartage of hatreede & envie
Maligned ageyn hym, cheeff sonne of ther socours,
Taclipsed his lih[t]: but therageyn auctours
Han be writyng perpetueli set his name
And it registred in the Hous of Fame.