This law is very ancient among them. Attila, says Priscus, in
his embassy stopped in a certain place to marry Esca his daughter. "A
thing permitted," he adds, "by the laws of the Scythians," p. 22.
"History of the Tartars," part III, p. 256.
It was thus among the ancient Romans.
Among the Romans they had the same name; the cousins-german were
called brothers.
It was thus at Rome in the first ages, till the people made a
law to permit them; they were willing to favour a man extremely popular,
who had married his cousin-german. Plutarch's treatise entitled
"Questions Concerning the Affairs of the Romans."
"Collection of Voyages to the Indies," vol. v, part 1. An account of
the state of the isle of Formosa.
Koran, chapter "On Women."
They were considered as more honourable. See Philo, De
Specialibus legib. qu pertinet ad præcepta decalogi, p. 778, Paris, 1640.
See Leg. 8, "Cod. de incestis et inutilibus nuptiis."
"Edifying Letters," coll. xiv, p. 403.