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Diana of George of Montemayor

Translated out of Spanish into English by Bartholomew Yong

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[If that the gentle winde]

If that the gentle winde
Doth mooue the leaues with pleasant sound,
If that the kid, behinde


Is left, that cannot finde
Her dam, runs bleating vp and downe:
The Baggepipe, reede, or flute,
Onely with ayre if that they touched bee,
With pitie all salute,
And full of loue doe brute
Thy name, and sound, Diana, seeing thee,
A faire maide wed to prying iealousie.
The fierce and sauage beastes
(Beyond their kinde and nature yet)
With piteous voice and brest,
In mountaines without rest
The selfe same song doe not forget:
If that they staid at (Faire)
And had not passed to prying (Iealousie)
With plaintes of such despaire,
As moou'd the gentle aire
To teares: The song that they did sing, should be
One of the fair'st as euer I did see.
Mishap, and fortunes play,
Ill did they place in beauties brest:
For since so much to say
There was of beauties sway,
They had done well to leaue the rest.
They had ynough to doe,
If in her praise their wits they did awake:
But yet so must they too,
And all thy loue that woo,
Thee not too coy, nor too too proud to make,
If that thou wilt a secret louer take.
For if thou hadst but knowne
The beautie, that they heere doe touch,
Thou wouldst then loue alone
Thy selfe, nor any one,
Onely thy selfe accounting much.
But if thou dost conceaue
This beautie, that I will not publike make,
And mean'st not to bereaue
The world of it, but leaue
The same to some (which neuer peere did take)
Sweete Life doe not my secret loue forsake.