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Ane Co[m]pendious [buik] of godlie Psalmes and spirit[uall Sangis]

collectit furthe of sindrie pa[rtis of the] Scripture, with diueris utheris [balla]tis changeit out of prophaine [sangis] in godlie sangis, for [avodying of] sin and harlatrie. With [aug]mentation of sindrie [gude] and godlie Ballattis not contenit in the first editioun [by John Wedderburn]

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[Remember man, remember man]

[Remember man, remember man]

Remember man, remember man,
That I thy Saull from Sathan wan,
And hes done for the that I can
Thow art full deir to me.
Is, was, nor sall be none
That may the saue, bot I alone,
Onlie thairfoir beleue me on
And thow sall neuer die,
Wolfis quhome of my Euangelistis wryte
And Paull and Peter did of dyte,
Allace haue ȝow dissauit quyte,
With fals Hypocrasie.
My new Testament plaine and gude,
For quhilk I sched my precious blude,
Ȝour only hope and Saullis fude
Thay hald for Herisie.
And hes set vp thair fals doctrine,
For Couetise, in steid of mine,
With fyre and sword defendis it fyne,
Contrair my word and me.
The Antichrist is cummin but dout
And hes ȝow trappit round about
Furth of his gyrne thairfoir cum out


Gif ȝe wald sauit be.
His Pilgramage and Purgatorie
His worschipping of Imagerie
His Pardounis and fraternitie
With ȝeill and gude Intent
The quhisperit sinnis callit eir Confessioun
With his Preistis mummillit absolutioun
And mony vther fals abusioun
The Paip hes done Inuent.
With Messis sauld be Preist, and Freir{,}
For land and money wounder deir,
Quhilk is the ground stane of thair queir,
And rute of all thair pryde,
His Pater nosteris, bocht and sauld,
His numerat aueis, and Psalmes tauld,
Quhilk my new Testament, nor my auld,
On na wayis can abyde.
Thair half hag matines, fast thay patter,
Thay geue ȝow breid, and sellis ȝow watter,
His cursingis on ȝow als thay clatter,
Thocht thay can {harm} ȝow nocht,
Giue ȝe will geue thame Caip? or Bell,
The clink thairof thay will ȝow sell,
Suppose the Saule suld ga to hell,
Ȝe get na thing vnbocht.
Thay sell ȝow als the Sacramentis seuin,
Thay micht haue maid aswell aleuin
Few, or mony, od or euin,
Ȝour pursis for to pyke,


Wald thay let bot twa vsit be
Of Baptisme, and of my bodie,
As thay war institute be me,
Men wald thame better lyke.
Mariage is ane blissit band,
Quhilk I gaue man in my command,
To keip{,} bot thay my word withstand,
Ane Sacrament it maid.
Unto thair vther Sacramentis fyue,
Our Saluatioun thay ascryue,
Fra my trew faith ȝow for to dryue,
In vaine to mak my deid.
Thair tryflis all ar maid be men,
Quhilk my Gospell did neuer ken,
My Law and my commandementis ten,
Thay hid from mennis eine.
My new Testament thay wald keip downe,
Quhilk suld be preichit fra towne to towne,
Cause it wald cut thair lang tailis [illeg.]
And schaw thair lyues vnclene.
And now thay ar with dolour pynde,
And lyke to raige out of thair mynde,
Because fra thame ȝe ar declynde.
And will na lesingis heir.
Thairfoir thay mak sa greit vproir,
Contrair thy flock of Christis stoir,
Determit or thay will geue it ouer,
To fecht all into feir.
Bot hald ȝow at my Testament fast{,}


And be na quhit of them agast
For I sall bring donn at the last,
Thair pryde and crueltie.
Than cleirly sall my word be schawin,
And all thair falset sall be knawin
That thay into all landis haue sawin
Be thair Idolatrie.
And ȝe sall leue in rest and peace,
Instructit with my word of grace
For I the Antichrist deface
Sall, and trew Preicheouris send
Repent ȝour sin with all ȝour hart,
And with trew faith to me conuert,
And heuinly gloir sall be ȝour part
With me to bruik but end.
We pray the Iesus Christ our Lord,
Conforme our lyues to thy word
That we may liue with ane accord
In perfite Charitie.
And forgiue vs our sinfulnes,
And cleith vs with thy Richteousnes
Of thy fauour and gentilnes
We pray the that so be.