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The following Translation of a Latin Poem of Doctor Watts, in his Horae Lyricae. On the divine Love and Sufferings of our Saviour Jesus Christ for Mankind, By the Rev. Mr. Davies, late President of the College of New-Jersey, was intended for our Paper in Easter Week, but omitted by Accident.

'Twas He, who once descending from the Height
Of heavenly Bliss, assum'd our mortal Clay;
That, cloth'd in human Flesh, and in our Stead,
He, our kind Surety, might discharge the Debt,
The dreadful Debt we ow'd, and on Himself
Transfer the Vengeance of the threatning Law,
The Guilt of Man, and Sin's dire Punishment.
See, prostrate on the Ground, forlorn He lies,
On the cold Grass diffus'd; His guiltless Hands
Towards His own Heaven, uplifted; and his Face
Placid and mild, turn'd to His Father's Seat,
Not to receive the Kisses of His Love,
Or feel His usual, kind Embrace; but stript
Of his bright starry Robe, His sacred Breast
Expos'd spontaneous, to the piercing Wrath
Of GOD in Arms. His willing Voice invites
The lagging Vengeance. “Here, My Father! here,
“In this pure Bosom sheathe thy angry Sword;
“Let Blood Divine attone for mortal Crimes.”
He said. And straight thro' the Celestial Arch
Horrendous Thunder roar'd; JEHOVAH now
Awoke his Wrath (whom, to have laid aside
Paternal Love, the Muse almost complains,


But struck with such amazing Splendours dumb,
She dares not speak!) now rends the solid Sky,
And open fly the doors, where Vengeance reigns,
In her dire Magazine, with endless Stores
Of Pains and Torments under her Command,
Forth rush dread Hurricanes and boisterous Storms
Pregnant with furious Sulphur; fiery Bolts
Form'd of contorted Flames, upon his Head,
His guiltless Head, with Force impetuous falls;
Beneath the dreadful Burden while he stands,
And spreads his Breast to take the impending Blow,
A Flood of purple Gore bursts from his Pores,
And thro' his Garments trickles to the Ground.
Yet Vengeance, cruel Queen, will not remit
The Torture; but She chides the lagging Fires,
And rouses the[i]r dread Justice [[OMITTED]]ng Sword;
“Awake! Awake! [[OMITTED]] Breast Divine;
“With sacred Blood die thy vindictive Point.
“Scatter dire Torments thro' the Soul and Flesh
“Of the Anointed; He can bear a Load
“Immense: th' indwelling Deity supports
“His mortal Frame beneath the crushing Weight
“Of Torments huge. Thou, violated Law!
“Drink full Revenge; and Satisfaction take
“From Slaughter vast. The Deity's Disgrace
“Thy Honour shall secure, and Blood Divine,
“Expiate human Guilt.”—
This said, She whirl'd a thousand mighty Wounds
And fixt them in His Breast; the inmost Doors
Of His dear Soul are open'd; cruel Pain
Flies in with eager Wing, and greedy, preys
Upon his Vitals, and devours His Heart.


Mean Time the Saviour, cheerful, o'er the Pain
Sublimely triumphs; and bedew'd with Blood,
Exults in Misery; for a generous Zeal
For His own Father's Honour, and His Joy
To ransom guilty Wretches, urg'd Him more,
And fir'd His Heart. O noble, generous Zeal
To suffer Pains! O Love! how strong they Power
In human Breasts! How mighty in Divine!
What wonders hast thou done!

Luke xxii. 44.

Zach. xiii. 7.

Col. ii. 15.