University of Virginia Library

The H. C. Marchant Mfg. Co.

One of the new industries here,
which will undoubtedly add greatly to
the already wide reputation of the
community as a manufacturing center
is The H. C. Marchant Manufacturing
Co. The commodious plant of this company
is located on the North side of
the city. The building is a two-story
brick with a floor space of 6,325 square
feet, and is equipped with the most
modern machinery, and improvements
are being made as rapidly as the
growth of the business warrants. The
company devotes itself exclusively to
the manufacture of overalls and coats
of every grade. These goods have a
wide reputation. The company has
been in operation three years, was incorporated
in the latter part of 1902,
and like every new enterprise it experienced
great difficulty in securing and
training help. Its trade is steadily
increasing. At present the plant gives
employment to about 75 employees,
and this force will be increased from
time to time as necessity demands.
The basis upon which the trade is being
built is "NO SKIMPING," "Best

Material," "Full Cut," and "HONEST
MAKE;" to this idea of the President
of the Company, who has always
advocated the use of only the best
grade of goods, is due the success the
company has so far attained. The
trade already extends to the two Virginias,
Western and Central Kentucky,
Tennessee, Northern Alabama, Georgia,
the two Carolinas, and is rapidly gaining
ground in whatever territory the
goods are shown. At present there
are four salesmen employed and the
company is doing a large mail order
business. The officers of the company
are H. C. Marchant, President; R. P.
Valentine, Vice-President; W. O.
Watson, Treasurer, and C. B. Somerville,
Secretary and General Manager.
Mr. Marchant is a native of this place,
is interested in many enterprises, being
President of the Charlottesville
Woolen Mills Company (of national
reputation), director in the Peoples'
National Bank, etc. Mr. Valentine
was also born here. In addition to the
interest described above he is identified
with several other industries. Mr.
Watson is freight and passenger agent
and general manager for the C. & O.
Railway Co. at this point. Mr.
Somerville is a native of Culpeper
county and for a number of years was
engaged in the queensware business in
Staunton. He came here when the
company was formed, and much of
its success is due to his untiring
efforts. The future of this company
is undoubtedly assured.