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1. Saga of a Wineland Baby BY HAUK ERLENDSSON (ABOUT 1000)
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1. Saga of a Wineland Baby[1]

ONE summer a ship came from Norway to Greenland. The skipper's name was Thorning Karlsefni, and he was the son of Thord called "Horsehead," and a grandson of Snorri. Thorning Karlsefni, who was a very wealthy man, passed the winter there in Greenland, with Lief Ericsson. He very soon set his heart upon a maiden called Gudrid, and sought her hand in marriage.

That same winter a new discussion arose concerning a Wineland voyage.[2] The people urged Karlsefni to make the bold venture, so he determined to undertake the voyage, and gathered a company of sixty men and five women. He entered into an agreement with his shipmates that they should each share equally in all the spoils. They took with them all kinds of cattle, as they intended to settle the country if they could. Karlsefni asked Lief for his house in Wineland.[3] Lief replied that he would lend it but not give it.


They sailed out to sea with the ship and arrived safe and sound at Lief's booths,[4] and carried their hammocks ashore there. They were soon provided with an abundant supply of food, for a whale of good size and quality was driven ashore and they secured it. Their cattle were turned out upon the land. Karlsefni ordered trees to be felled; for he needed timber wherewith to load his ships. They gathered some of all the products of the land, grapes, all kinds of game, fish, and other good things.[5]

In the summer after the first winter the Skrellings were discovered.[6] A great throng of men came forth from the woods; the cattle were close by and the bull began to bellow and roar with a great noise. At this the Skrellings were frightened and ran away with their packs, wherein were gray furs, sables, and all kinds of skins. They fled towards Karlsefni's dwelling and tried to get into the house, but Karlsefni caused the doors to be defended. Neither people could understand the other's language. The Skrellings put down their packs, then opened them and offered their wares, in exchange for weapons, but Karlsefni forbade his men to sell their weapons. He bade the women to carry out milk to the Skrellings; as soon as these people


had tasted the milk, they wanted to buy it and nothing else.[7]

Now it is to be told that Karlsefni caused a strong wooden palisade to be constructed and set up around the house. It was at this time that a baby boy was born to Gudrid and Karlsefni and he was called Snorri.[8] In the early part of the second winter the Skrellings came to them again in greater numbers than before, and brought with them the same kind of wares to exchange. Then said Karlsefni to the women, "Do ye carry out now the same thing which proved so profitable before and nothing else." The Skrellings seemed contented at first, but soon after, while Gudrid was sitting in the doorway beside the cradle of her infant son, Snorri, she heard a great crash made by one of the Skrellings who had tried to seize a man's weapons. One of Karlsefni's followers killed him for it. "Now we must needs take counsel together," said Karlsefni, "for I believe they will visit us a third time in greater numbers. Let us now adopt this plan: when the tribe approaches from the forest, ten of our number shall go out upon the cape in front of our houses and show themselves there, while the remainder of our company shall go into the woods back of our houses and hew a clearing for our cattle. Then we will take our bull and let him go in advance of us to meet the enemy." The next time the Skrellings came they found Karlsefni's men ready and fled helter-skelter into the woods. Karlsefni and his party remained there throughout the winter, but in the spring Karlsefni announced that he did not intend to remain there longer, for he wished to return with his wife and son to Greenland. They now made ready for the voyage and carried away with them much in vines and grapes and skins.[9]


This story was handed down by tradition for many centuries; but it describes a real settlement, the first by Europeans in America nine centuries ago.


I.e. to a place called Wineland.


Lief had already made a voyage to Wineland and built a house there.


The name of Lief's place.


The ships which had brought out the colonists were sent back with a cargo from Wineland.


The Skrellings were natives, probably Esquimaux or other northern tribes.


The Skrellings had neither cows nor goats, so that milk was a novel luxury for them.


The first child of European race born in America.


We do not know what became of these people.