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New Custome

A new Enterlude No lesse wittie : then pleasant, entituled new Custome deuised of late, and for diuerse causes nowe set forthe, neuer before this tyme Imprinted

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Actus. 2.
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Actus. 2.

Scena. 1.

Light of the Gospell, and Newcustome enter.
Light of the gospel
Doubt you nothing at all, for God will so prouide,
Who leaueth not his elect to defende, and to guide:
That where euer I come suche grace you may finde,
As shall in eache poynte content well your minde.
And admit that they not call you Newcustome, what then?
Attribute that follie to the ignorance of men,
That followe their fansies, and know not the right.

Well, you knowe where I come once the light
Of the Gospell whose beames do glister so cleare:
Then primitiue constitution in eache place you appeare.
And as elsewhere you haue ben, so do not mistrust
But in this place hereafter be receued you must.

New cust.
According to your nature so do you very well,
To put mee in good hope, bright Light of the Gospel.
And seing you be trewe, I may in no wise
Misdeeme you the father, or aucthour of lies.
For if trust to the Gospell do purchase perpetuaunce
Of life vnto him who therein hath confidence:
What shall the light doe? whose beames be so bright:
That in eache respect all thinges else of light,
Are but very darkenes, and eke terrestriall,
So the light of the Gospell ouershineth them all.
Wherefore with great comforte I receiue your counsell,
With hartie thankes vnto you, the light of the Gospell.

Light of the gospel
Do so, and by Faith then shall you obtaine
What so euer you desire, the Scripture saith plaine.
For quicquid petieritis in nomine meo.
It must of trueth needes be vnderstode soe,
That without Faith what so euer wee fortune to craue:
Wee may not looke for it our desire to haue.
Faith moueth mountaines so it be pure faith in deede,
By Fayth wee obtaine what so euer wee neede.
Then Faith shall restore to you more thinges then this,
Beleue mee Primitiue constitution, what so euer is amisse.
But where be those reprobates deuoyde of all grace,
Who lately misused you, as you saide in this place?

New Cu.
They be sodenly departed, I wote not well whether,
For I left them right now bothe heere together,
They can not be farre hence I know very well,
Where they be there is none if we aske, but can tell.

Light of
Do you knowe them agayne if you meete them aright?

New cust.
Yea sir that I doe euen at the first sight.

Light of
Then let vs not tarie, but goe seeke them straite.

New cust.
At hande I am readie on you for to wayte.

Scena. 2.

Hypocrisie, Peruersedoctrine, and Ignorance entre.
Peruersedoctrine I say, take heede in any sorte
That thou neuer beleue what so euer they reporte,
Though they of the Gospell neuer so muche do preache,
Euery man will not credite what so euer they teache.
They will not say all beleeue, when they do not I promise thee:
For that time will neuer come in this world trust mee.
Tushe, tushe, be thou busied in any case
To discredite their preachinge, in euery place.
If they teache them one thing, then teache thou the contrarie.
And if that no Scripture for thy place thou haue readie:
In woordes that supplie whiche wanteth in reason,
For ill thinges applied somtime in good season:
As of better eftsones do importe the wayte,
So they be well ordred by good pollicie, and slayght.
How be it their doctrine be sounde: yet their vices fynd out,
As this is a slouen, or this is a lowte.
Hee speaketh on enuie, suche a one for neede,
This saith it in woordes, but hee thinketh it not in deede.
Upon greatter occasion they sticke not to raue.
Saying this is a whooremaster, villaine, hee an Heretike knaue,
An Extorcioner, a theefe, a traytour, a murtherer,
A couetous person, a common Userer.
This hee doth for my mistresse his wyues sake by the roode,
The beiter to mainteine and supporte the frenchehoode.
Remember also that it weare a great shame,
For thee for to haue forgotten thy owne name.
Peruersedoctrine of right must the trueth so peruerte:
That hee neuer let it sinke into any mannes harte,
As farre as hee can with diligence withstande,
For euer it behoueth thee to be readie at hande,
To strenthen thine owne partes, and disproue other doctrine,
What so euer shall be taught that is contrarie to thine.
Still pretende Religion what so euer you say,
And that shall get thee good credite alway,
Pleasing the multitude with suche kinde of grace.

As with them to the whiche most enclined they are.
Square cappes, longe gownes, with tippettes of silke,
Braue coopes in the churche, surplices as white as milke,
Beades, and suche like, all these beare the price.
To these thinges applie thy attendant deuise.
And other likewise which well you do knowe,
Whiche all of great holinesse do set forthe a shewe.
Though some of them doubtlesse be indifferent, what matter,
They furnishe our businesse neuer the latter.
For these of antiquitie since that they do smell:
Our cause must commend right wonderfull well.
And these be the thinges wherof thou hast neede.
The better of thy wyl, and purpose to speede.
Then geue thy attendance, and so be sure of this.
That I will be readie and neuer wyll misse,
To assist thee still in workinge thy purpose,
To thaduauncing of thee, and depressing thy foes.

Gramercie good Sister euen with all my hearte,
For this your good councell, and for my parte
What so euer in this case may bee possibly donne:
I shall followe your preceptes as a naturall sonne.
For the matter so standes if wee looke not well about,
That wee quite perishe all out of doubt.
Unlesse some suche way wee take out of hande:
Whereby wee may be able our foes to withstande.
And for this cause my brother Ignorance and I:
Lest it should chaunce vs to fall into ieoperdie:
Through enuie of our names in any mannes eare:
For this intent I say wee did diligently care,
Our names to counterfaite, in suche maner sorte:
That where euer wee goe wee may win good reporte.

Of my faith that is very well done in deede.
God sende thee a good wit still at thy neede.
And that in thy doinges suche successe thou maist fynde:
That all thinges may chaunce to thee after thy minde.
My brother if thou haue ought else for to say,
Speake on or that I departe hence away.

Great thankes for your councel, and if yee chaunce to go thyther,

You may meete with Ignorance: to hasten him hyther.

Farewell, hee shall be here, you shall see euen anon.

Alacke, alacke, now my good sister is gon.
Whose presence to enioye is more pleasant vnto mee,
Than any thing what so euer in the worlde coulde bee.
Good occasion haue I suche a sister to embrace,
For by her meanes I lyue, and enioye this place.
Which yet I possesse as longe as I may,
And haue heretofore many a faire day.
For since these new Heretikes the deuill take them all,
In all corners began to barke, and to ball:
At the Catholike Faith, and the olde religion.
Making of them bothe but matters of derision:
Hypocrisie hath so helped at euery neede:
That but for her hardly were wee lyke for to speede.
For be our case neuer so nye driuen to the worst,
Through her meanes by some meane take no place at the first:
Yet some meanes doth shee finde, by some meanes at the length,
That her waies do preuaile and her matters get strength.
Shee can finde out a thousand guyles in a trice,
For euery purpose a newe strong deuise.
No matter so difficile for man to finde out,
No businesse so daungerous, no person so stowt,
But of thone shee is able a solucion to make,
And thothers greate peryll, and moode for to slake.
And in fine muche matter in fewe woordes to containe:
Shee can finde out a cloke for euery rayne.
What person is there that beareth more swaie,
In all maner of matters at this present daye,
Throughout the whole world, though of symple degree,
And of small power to sight shee seeme for to bee?
Consider all trades, and condicions of lyfe.
Then shall you perceiue that Hipocrisie is rife
To all kinde of men, and of euery age:
So farre as their yeeres them therein may geue knowledge:
Lo here a large fielde where at length hee may walke,
Who list of this matter at the full for to talke,
To declare of what power, and of what efficacie,

In euery age, countrey and time is Hypocrisie.
But I may not about suche small pointes now stande,
The affaires they be greater that I haue in hande.
Ignorance is the cause that I so longe tarie heere,
And beholde where the blinde Bussard doth appeere.
Come on thou grosse headed knaue, thou whoroson asse I say,
Where hast thou ben sence wee departed to day?

Where haue I ben quod you? mary euen there I was,
Where as I would haue geuen an hundred pounde by the Masse
To haue ben here, for neuer sence the day I was borne,
Was I so neere hande in peeces for to haue ben torne.
For as I was going vp and downe in the streete:
To see if I coulde with Hypocrisie meete?
Beeholde a farre of I began to espie,
That heretike Newcustome, with an other in his companie.
As soone as they sawe mee: they hyde them a pace,
Came towardes, and met mee full in the face.
I am glad wee haue founde you then quod this heretike knaue,
For you, and your fellowe this day sought wee haue
In euery place, and now can not you flie,
And with these woordes bothe they came very nie.
Whereat I so feared I may tell you playne:
That I thought at that howre I should haue ben slayne.
This is hee quod the varlet, of whom I tolde you of late,
An Enemie of the trewth, and incensed with hate
Against God and his Churche, and an impe of Hypocrisie,
A foe to the Gospell, and to trewe Diuinitie.
Thou lyest heretique quod I, and naught elles coulde I say,
But brake quickely from them, and hither came away.

Who is hee that was with him Simplicitie, canst thou tell?

Not I sure, but some call him the Light of the Gospell.
A good personable fellowe, and in countenaunce so bright:
That I coulde not beholde him in the visage aright.

Goddes preciouse woundes that slaue, marie fie on him fie,
Body of our Lorde is hee come into the countrye?
I thinke all the Heretiques in the worlde haue taken in hande,
By some solemne othe to pester this lande,
With their wicked Scismes and abhominable sectes,

Now a vengeance on them all, and the Deuyll breake their neckes.
Light of the Gospel? light of a straw, yet what euer hee bee,
I wolde hee were hanged as hie as I can see.

What haue you hearde of him before this?

Heard of hym? yee that haue I often iwis.
If there be any in the worlde it is this horeson theefe,
Beleeeue mee Simplicitie, that will worke vs the mischiefe.
Hath that same new Iacke gotte him suche a mate?
Now with all my heart a pestilence on his pate.
I woulde they were both hanged fairely together,
Or elles were at the deuill, I care not muche whether.
For since these Geneuian doctours came so fast into this lande,
Since that time it was neuer merie with Englande.
First came Newcustome, and hee gaue the onsay,
And sithens thinges haue gone worse euery day.
But Simplicitie dost thou knowe what is mine intent?

Tell mee, and I shall knowe what you haue ment.

Our matters with Creweltie our friende to discusse,
And to here him, what counsell in this case hee will geue vs.
And this is the cause I haue taried for thee,
Because that to him I would haue thee goe with mee.
But see where hee commeth with Auarice sadly walking,
Let vs listen, if wee can, whereof they be talkinge.

Scena. 3.

Creweltie, Auarice entre, Peruersedoctrine, and Ignorance tarie.
Nay by Goddes harte, if I might doe what I list,
Not one of them all that should scape my fist.
His nayles I would Plague them one way, or an other.
I would not misse him, no if hee were mine owne brother.
With small faultes I might beare as I sawe occasion,
And punishe, or forgeue, at mine owne discretion,
For I wote that sometime the wisest may fall.
But Heresie, fie on that, that is the greatest of all.
Euery stockes should be full, euery prison, and iayle.
Some would I beate with roddes, some scorge at a cartes tayle.
Some hoyse their heeles vpwarde, some beate in a sacke,

Some manickle their fingers, some binde in the racke.
Some would I sterue for hunger, some would I hange priuilie.
Saying that them selues so dyed desperately.
Some would I accuse of matters of great weight,
Openly to hange them as trespassours streight.
A thousand mo waies could I tell, and not misse,
Whiche here in England I may say to you I haue practised ere this,
And trust by his woundes, Auarice, some agayne for to trie
How so euer the world goe before that I die.

Now I will tel thee Crueltie, by goddes sacrament I haue swore,
It were pittie but thou were hanged before.

Ha, ha, ha, I had as liefe they were hanged as I,
By the masse there is one thing makes me laugh hartely, ha, ha, ha.

I pray thee what is that?

What? ha, ha, ha, I can not tel for laughinge I wold neuer better pastime desier
Then to here a dosen of them howling together in the fier.
Whose noyse as my thinketh I could best compare:
To a crie of houndes folowing after the Hare.
Or a rablement of Bandogges barking at a Beare, ha, ha, ha.

I beshrew thy knaues fingers with my very hearte,
The deuill will reward thee, whose darling thou arte.
But sirra I pray thee if it had chanced me in those daies in thy handes to haue fel,
I thinke sure thou wouldst haue ordred mee well.

His bloud I would I might haue once seene that chaunce,
I would haue vext thee with a vengeaunce for olde aqueintaunce.

Why so, I was alwaies thy furderer in those daies I am sure.

Yee, but what was the cause? thine owne profite to procure.
For so that thou mighest vauntage, and lucre obtaine:
Thou wouldest not sticke to bring thine owne brother to payne.

Ha, ha, ha, no nor father, and mother if there were ought to be got,
Thou mightest sweare: if I could I would bring them to the pot.
Whereof a like Historie I shall tell thee Crueltie.
In Englande which my selfe plaied in the daies of queene Marie.
Twoo brothers there were dwelling young gentilmen, but the heyre
Had substanciall reuenewes, his stocke also was faire.
A man of good conscience, and studious of the Gospell.
Which the other brother perceiuing very well,
Perswaded him by all meanes since hee was so bent,

To be constant in opinion, and not to relent.
Which done, hee gaue notice to the officers about,
Howe they should come with searche to finde his brother out.
Who, when hee was once in this sorte apprehended,
Shortly after his life in the fier hee ended.
The other had the most part of all his lyuinge,
How saist sir knaue? is not this the next way to thriuinge?

O vnreasonable Auarice vnsaciable with gayne.

What this? tushe it was but a merie trayne.

For lukers sake his owne brother to betraye?
Hence Iudas, with these doinges I can not awaye.

I was euer with him still readie at hande,
Continually suggesting of the house and the lande,
And yet to tell you the trueth, as in deede the thinge is,
Of my conscience I thinke the best part was his.

By goddes glorious woundes hee was worthy of none?
But thou to be whipped for thy greedie suggestion.

Harte of god man by the meanes better, or worse,
I passe not I, so it be good for the purse, ha, ha, ha,

If you loue the purse so well Auarice, as you say in deede,
Then helpe mee with your councell now at a neede.

What Peruersedoctrine? & Ignorance too? were you both so neere?
Wee had thought at our comming that no man had ben heere.

Wee haue ben in this place euer since that you staide,
And wee haue hearde also, what so euer you haue sayde.

Welcome bothe on my faith, and I am glad it was our chaunce,
To meete with you here Peruersdoctrine, and Ignorance.
Whie? how gothe the worlde? my thinkes you be sad?

Mary god haue mercie, but there is small cause to be glad.
For excepte you come speedely with your helping hande,
No doubt wee shall shortly be banished the lande.

Whie so Peruersdoctrine?

I pray thee let mee vnderstande.

Whie so? you knowe howe since Herisie came lately in place,
And Newe custome that vile Scismatique, began to deface
All our olde doings, our seruice, our rites, that of yore
Haue bene of great price in the olde time before:
Our selues haue bene enforced almost for to flye,

The countrie, or else couertly in some corner to lye.

By the Masse that is trewe, for I dare not appeere,
Who so euer would geeue mee. landes by the yeere.

Ha, ha, ha, by goddes foote and I was neuer in better case in my lif,
For Couetousnes with the Clergie was neuer so rife.
Wherefore I haue no cause in suche sort to be greeued,
Yet I woulde I could tell sirs howe you might be releeued.

Nowe sirha to mende vp this matter withall:
Preciouse God it frettes mee to the very gall.
For nowe of late that slaue, that varlet, that heretique, Lighte of the Gospell,
Is come ouer the Sea, as some credibly tell.
Whom Newcustome doth vse in all matters as a staie,
The most ennemie to vs in the worlde alway.
whose rancour is suche, and so great is his spight:
That no doubt hee will straight way banishe vs quight,
Unlesse wee prouide some remedie for the contrary,
And with speede, this is treuth that I tell thee Crueltie.

His woundes, hart, and bloud, is hee come without any naye?

Yee verely, for with these eyes I sawe him to daye,

Now I would hee were here, I woulde so dresse the slaue,
That I warrant hee should beare mee a marke to his graue.
First I woulde buffet him, thus, then geue him a fall,
Afterwarde I would dashe out his braynes at the wall.

Holde your handes you rude knaue or by goddes bodie I sweare,
I wyll quickely fetche my fist from your care.

Tushe tushe it auailes naught, to chafe, nor to chide,
It were more wisedome with speede some redresse to prouide.

Redresse? nowe by goddes guttes I will neuer staye,
Tyll I finde meanes to ridde the beast out of the waye.
I wyll cut him of the slampambes I holde him a crowne,
Where so euer I meete him, in countrie, or towne.

What order you will take it were best make relation,
For moe wittes as you knowe, may do better then one.

I wyll do then what so euer shall come in my head,
I force not I, so the vyllaine were dead.

And of my furtherance, what so euer I may do you, be sure,
Your good state againe, if I can, to procure,
With my vttermost helpe to suppresse yonder Rascall,

For by the masse you Papists I like best of all.

Then can wee not doo amisse I coniecture lightly,
For where as al these come, Peruersdoctrine, Auarice, Ignorance, & Cruelty:
There goeth the hare, except all good lucke goe awrie.
But sirs it is good, lest your names you discrie,
To transpose them after some other kinde,
Els bee sure with the people much hatred to finde.
As for Peruersedoctrine, sounde doctrine: for Ignorance, Simplicitee
With these coulours of late our selues cloked haue wee.

What then shall I Crueltie bee called in your iudgement?

Mary Iustice with Seueritie, a vertue most excellent.

What will you terme Auarice, I pray you let mee heare?

Euen Frugalitie, for to that vertue it commeth most neare.

Contente by his woundes I, but wee must looke to our feete,
Least wee stumble in these names when so euer wee meete.

Yea see you take heede to that in any manner of case,
So may you delude the people in euery place.

Come then it is time hence that away wee departe.

Wee are redie to follow, with a most willyng hart.

But sirs, because wee haue taried so longe:
If you bee good fellowes, let vs depart with a songe.

I am pleased, and therefore let euery man
Follow after in order as well as hee can.
The first Songe.
Well handled by the masse on euery side.
Come Auarice, for wee twoo will no longer abide.

Farewell to you bothe, and God sende you successe,
Suche as may glad vs all in your present businesse.
Now they bee departed, and wee may not tary,
For it lieth vs vpon all to bee sturryng by S. Mary.
New Custome preuayleth much euery where,
But no matter, they bee fooles that doo geeue him suche eare.
Let olde Custome preuayle rather, it is better then new,
This all will confesse, that thinke Scripture is true.
Doo as thy Fathers haue doone before thee (quoth hee)
Then shalt thou bee certayne in the right way to bee.
And sure that is betttr then to follow the trayne
That eche man inuenteth of his owne proper brayne.
Whiche hath brought the worlde to this case, as wee see,

That euery day wee heere of some notorious heresie.
Yet all is the Gospell what so euer they say.
Well if it chaunce that a dogge hath a daye,
Woe then to Newcustome, and all his mates, tushe, tushe,
No man the Gospell will esteeme then a rushe.
What will that other Heretike do Light of the Gospel I pray?
Dare not once shewe his face more then wee at this day.
But come Ignorance let vs follow after apace,
For wee haue abidden all to long in this place.

Let vs go then, but by the Masse I am vengeance drie,
I pray thee let vs drinke at the alehouse herebie.

Content in fayth, thither with speede let vs hie.