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Astrophell the Sheep-heard,

Astrophell the Sheep-heard,

his complaint to his flocke.

Goe my flocke, goe get yee hence,
Seeke a better place of feeding:
Where yee may haue some defence
From the stormes in my breast breeding,
And showers from mine eyes proceeding.
Leaue a wretch, in whom all woe,
can abide to keepe no measure:
Merry Flocke, such one forgoe
vnto whom mirth is displeasure,
onely ritch in mischiefes treasure.
Yet (alas) before you goe,
heare your wofull Maisters Storie:
Which to stones I else would showe,
Sorrow onely then hath glorie:
when tis excellently sorrie.
Stella, fiercest Sheepheardesse,
fiercest, but yet fairest euer:
Stella, whom the heauens still blesse,
though against me she perseuer,
though I blisse, inherite neuer.
Stella, hath refused me,
Stella, who more loue hath proued
In this caitiffe hart to be,
Then can in good by vs be moued:
Towards Lambkins best beloued.
Stella, hath refused me,
Astrophell that so well serued.
In this pleasant Spring must see
while in pride flowers be preserued:
himselfe onely Winter-sterued.

Why (alas) then dooth she sweare,
that she loueth me so dearely:
Seeing me so long to beare
coales of loue that burne so clearely:
and yet leaue me helplesse meerely?
Is that loue? Forsooth I trow,
if I saw my good dogge greeued:
And a helpe for him did know,
my Loue should not be beleeued:
but he were by me releeued.
No, she hates me, well away,
faigning loue, somewhat to please me:
Knowing, if she should display
all her hate, Death soone would seaze me:
and of hideous torments ease me.
Then my deare Flocke now adiew,
but (alas) if in your straying,
Heauenly Stella meete with you,
tell her in your pittious blaying:
her poore slaues vniust decaying.
S. Phil. Sidney.